Sunday Times journalist compares Imran Khan to ‘hair-obsessed’ Trump


ISLAMABAD: British-French journalist and author Ben Judah, in an interview published in The Sunday Times Magazine on Sunday, compared Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan with US President Donald Trump on a number of issues.

Imran loathes Trump but it is ‘hard not to compare the two’, the journalist wrote, adding: “Khan, like Trump, emerged from the moneyed elite, riding high on a personality cult, purporting to be the voice of every forgotten man, railing against effete liberals and the corruption and nepotism of the political class. And just like Trump, this ageing, hair-obsessed star is accused of sexual harassment.”

During the interview, Imran in response to a question regarding Gulalai, a National Assembly (NA) member who quit the PTI in early August after levelling allegations of harassment against the party chief, said that she was paid to accuse him of harassment and sending her ‘inappropriate messages’ which were never found.

“She has been paid for that,” Imran told Ben.

“You see what I have to put up with?” said Khan, lamenting that his enemies were smearing him with ‘fake news’ – one of the similarities the journalist used to compare the PTI chairman to the US president.

Despite the journalist drawing similarities between the PTI chairman and US president, Imran during the interview raised questions over Pakistan’s support in the US-led ‘war on terror’ and criticised drone strikes on Pakistani soil that Trump has continued after taking over the US presidency.

“American drone strikes in Pakistan must stop. It’s butchery, and the true horror of it is hidden from the West,” he said.

The article also labelled Imran the kind of politician the Taliban ‘would like to see installed as the country’s next leader’.


  1. Imran Khan is a self made cricketing legend, who has built cancer hospitals a college for the poor. Donald Trump is a ruthless businessman. Absolutely disgusting to compare someone like Imran Khan with Donald Trump. If Donald Trump had been in Imran Khans shoes he would have fled Pakistan years ago and led a life of luxury in England or USA or Australia.

  2. his reporter I must say he’s just waste of time and I request to times please review his resume because he’s not qualified report, he’s big time waste of time .
    Time do something he will bring more embarrassment to you magazine and newspaper ?????Think bout him. Whole world knows Imran Khan. He’s a honest leader and we all know how simple human he is , who only want our corrupt leaders behind the bars and take our nation above the sky. Imran Khan I love you and may God save your all evils around you…..

  3. I have to admit the reporter has done a good analysis,the similarities are there,imran is as cheap
    As trump we have to accept it as much as we might not like it

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