Pakistan Today

Pak-US diplomatic engagement

Pakistan did not expect the message sent by Trump via his New Year tweet. The US administration didn’t anticipate the defiant response that came from Pakistan. As tensions between the two countries rose to an unprecedented level, which suited neither, they decided to return to the negotiating table. US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Ambassador Alice Wells, accompanied by senior officials from the US National Security Council, spent two days in Islamabad. Her reported interactions included meetings with Pakistan’s secretary foreign affairs, national security adviser, adviser on finance and a group of journalists.

The talks constituted the first diplomatic engagement between the two countries after Trump’s inappropriate outburst. Ambassador Wells acknowledged Pakistan’s efforts in eradicating terrorism and underlined the need for strengthening intelligence cooperation between the two sides to improve coordination in counter-terrorism efforts. She was told that relationship with the US could move forward only in an environment of mutual trust and respect. Ambassador Wells once again urged Islamabad to address the continuing presence of the Haqqani network and other terrorist groups within its territory. It was however conceded by her that that the Afghan Taliban, like other parties, have legitimate political interests as they too were part of the social and political fabric of the Afghan society.

There was no joint statement at the end of the US officials’ visit. We only know what the US wants from Islamabad. Wells conveyed to her Pakistani interlocutors that the US wanted to shift to a “new relationship with Pakistan” based on “mutual interest.” It appears that both sides exchanged ideas about the suggestion. Pakistan has apparently yet to respond to the American proposals. A media report hints at the two sides agreeing on the so called ‘carrot and stick’ policy vis-a-vis the Afghan Taliban i.e. kudos for those who agree to talks and punishment for those who refuse to come to the negotiating table. Pakistan it appears would be ready to help short of any action that brings the Afghan war inside Pakistan.

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