Peers of today’s world


Fake or real — Part-2

The black magic, a journey from Bair to Khandola:

The journey from bair to khandola is not an easy one;

One becomes a bair when he worships the devil for several years pleasing him with all possible dirty deeds, but now for upgrading themselves to bhairon they have to burry dirt in the grave, not by their own self but by the hands of a believer, then they collect skeletons to get the rank of Luna, to go from Luna to Chumari they have to kill innocent humans, and at last they get the rank of shankha and khandola, practices which rewards these ranks are not disclosed yet.

So, can we relate to our question now? That whether money is the sole purpose or there is some hidden purpose of doing this?

Some of these Aamils, fake peers do it for the sake of getting a higher rank and great power. They use innocent people by fooling them that they are their well-wishers and they are interested in resolving their problems. In past years, our country has witnessed even the cases of rape and abuse by these fake peers in the name of help!

Not only this, if you once enter their world they won’t let you go back because it may cause hurdles in their motives. Every fake peer is not able to do black magic; some people do it for the sake of money, entertainment or to abuse the victim.

How for money?

Some of these peers claim that they can talk to the saints and jins and they will help in resolving all the problems, in return, they charge a lot of money and once the work is done they make a lifetime source of income from their disciples.

Sometimes they also blackmail the person by saying that they will leak all their information and desires in front of their family and society, thus the victim agrees on paying a large amount of money for a lifetime.

Can it just be entertainment?

In today’s world playing with feelings is one of the best forms of entertainment, these peers lie to their disciples that they can see the source of the problem, sometimes they just throw a wild guess and target and fool the victim. They think that they are blessed to have such mentors; they trust them blindly and praise them as a god father.

How do they trap herds?

Today’s human is exhausted because of several issues. Because of busy schedules and disappointing society, people seek a way which could happen in just a night; they want immediate solutions for their day to day problems.

Here, such peers hit their weakness and after a brief analysis, with their words they grab the attention by revealing some common things which make a person believe that this is the best solution.

For instance, if a young lady visits they make a guess that she would be here for proposal, a young couple could visit for parenthood or old one’s visits for happy domesticity, once they succeed in guessing the problem, they start playing with words and actions on the same time and hijack victims mind and soul completely.

How do they abuse the victim?

As discussed, one way of abusing is blackmailing whereas the other way has been observed several times in past years which includes robbery, rape, violence, kidnap, smuggling and many such forbidden activities.

Here arises another important question, if they are this harmful to our society then why are they able to carry on their activities with ease?

Unfortunately, where we are suffering from bad governance in all the sectors where we have a poor rate of literacy and awareness of our religion.

Not only this, but authorities are also neglecting these activities as much as possible. Are they funding such activities? Are they in support of these inhuman practices? Are they unable to act against them or they close their eyes to ignore them for some reason?

Whatever is the reality, if authorities won’t take an appropriate action this kind of activities might drown our society into darkness.


Walls chalked with these adverts are literally the alarm bells for our country. It’s never too late and we can overcome this murkiness by providing proper awareness among people about the reality of this matter, in this way we could save many people from being the victims of such frauds.

“When my people ask about me, tell them I am closer than their soul seat, I listen to them when they call me and answer all their calls.” (Al Quran)