Blow for Britain’s May as Northern Ireland secretary resigns



UK’s Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire resigned Monday, citing health grounds for his unexpected decision.

His decision to quit will be seen as a major blow for Prime Minister Theresa May as she embarked on a much trumpeted reshuffle of her team of ministers.

Brokenshire, a key May supporter, had not been mentioned in any of the speculative pre-shuffle reports and had been expected to stay in his cabinet job.

He was seen as a crucial minister at Stormont where the devolved Northern Ireland assembly is currently suspended following a fall-out between the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the pro-republican Sinn Fein.

The assembly has not met since last March, with Brokenshire involved in trying to broker peace between the two sides to avert a return of direct rule from Westminster over Northern Ireland.

The Daily Telegraph cited a source close to Brokenshire saying that he was set to undergo major surgery within the next few weeks for a lesion to his right lung.