Pakistan Today

MOHR to hold international moot on HR issues next month


Ministry of Human Rights (MOHR) would commence first ever international conference on human rights issues next month to give a message to world about commitment of Pakistan for protecting human rights.

The ministry got approval from the Prime Minister’s Office to hold the conference from February 19 to 21 while Rs 10 million have been also allocated for the purpose.

The conference titled, “Owing HR for Better World”, would be focused on three themes including “Protecting Women and Children through Policy and Law under National and International Framework”, Humanity under Climate Change: Human Rights and Environmental Rights” and “Development and Human Rights”.

An official of MOHR said that besides brainstorming session on the themes of the conference, other artistic and regional activities would also be planned to introduce international community with the cultural activities of our homeland.

These activities included exhibitions in which human rights organisations would establish stalls to display their work and achievements, projection of provinces in strengthening and implementing human rights in Pakistan and a special show of Pakistani art and culture.

He informed that ministry would also utilise its existing funds for better arrangements and get fruitful results of the international moot.

He added that Pakistan has done too much legislation on rights of marginalised segments of society especially women, children and minorities but unfortunately the portrayal of our country was more negative than our positive endeavours.

“We cannot live in isolation and it’s imperative to connect to international comity and for the purpose the first step is to promote soft image of the country, the official said.

It is time to bring into lime light Pakistan’s independent narrative against global system and give a strong message to international world that how much they are serious to implement treaties signed for promoting and protecting our rights, he said.

Besides MOHR, the conference would be held in collaboration with various government departments including Ministry of Planning and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Ministry of Climate Change and provincial departments and commissions working on HR issues.


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