Pak-US relations on the rocks

  • Civilian diplomacy is the way out

It is a sad occasion when a country is short of options against a dire threat it faces. The ISPR does not rule out unilateral action by the US against Pakistan. We are not told however what sort of action is expected and the ways and means devised by policy makers to cope with it. The presumed action is being expected as the US remains unconvinced of Pakistan’s narrative regarding the existence of facilitators of terrorist groups on Pakistan’s territory. If this is so, this implies failure on the part of institutions who take decisions regarding the country’ security and foreign policy issues to make out a convincing case. Whatever little incursions were recently made by Kh Asif into the prohibited territory led to hasty retreats by him, like an offer to the US to carry out joint operations against the Haqqanis if any of their sanctuaries were found on Pakistani soil.

After Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman said that the PAF could shoot down any drone which violates the country’s airspace, many thought this was enough to deter any intending intruder till an unclaimed drone strike killed two in Kurram Agency this month. Secretary Tillerson has warned that Pakistan could lose territory if it failed to take action against the sanctuaries. Have the policy makers made preparations to deal with a US sponsored insurgency, say in Balochistan or elsewhere? Do they foresee the US lifting restrictions on New Delhi’s dream purchase of drones with Hellfire missiles?

A warning without the ability to implement it is a wet squib. Far better is to rely on meaningful diplomacy with flexibility being its basic component. Pakistan needs the US as much as the US needs Pakistan. By breaking off with the US Pakistan would deprive its youth from learning imparted by some of the best universities in the world. Pakistan needs the US nod to interact with the international financial institutions. Pakistan also requires Washington’s support for democracy. Good relations with US help sealing better deals with other countries. Breaking off with the US is as bad as total reliance on it by some of the previous administrations.


  1. Pakistan has been caught protecting Haqqani network operatives from giving information on the location of other American hostages?…this is a major game changer that will cause the USA to reexamine what kind of relationship it has with a country that has been found to be protecting the same enemy that the USA is fighting…and that Pakistan has CLAIMED to be fighting too….if it is true then Pakistan has been revealed to be UNTRUSTWORTHY with an ally in this war and all support should be cut off and Pakistan will be branded an enemy in the war on terrorism subject to sanctions and other isolation…I certainly hope that Pakistani authorities have not been so foolish as to destroy the relationship with the USA in favor of Haqqani Islamic militant terrorists…

  2. Not a single afghan iraqi vietcong or korean harmed a hair on an americans head. Yet u invade colonise change regimes and mass murder as you wish – take a good long look in the mirror mate, what do you See? A devil? An angel? Lol. Bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites

    Eddieidiot – December 31, 2017 said:
    A nation can be judged by the state of its leaders – plato.

    Whatelese needs to he dsid about america with leaders like raegan nixon bush and alas trump. Lol

    eddied – December 31, 2017 said:
    Plato had wisdom…and the Muslim world has had Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollahs khomenies, Muamar Ghaddafi, Hafez al Assad, Basher Al Assad, Mullah Omar, Osama Bin Laden and Caliph Al Bagdadi… and other asorted mass murderers?…

    Eddieidiot – December 31, 2017 said:
    Its really funny how america manages to make itself out to be helpless victim on the verge of being massacred and desecrated the so called enemy. Alas, is the world really that naive and stupid – theres only one evil axis terrorist state colonial force with empire globalisation aspirations – america. Not pakistan or adghanistan for that matter


  3. No person. State or terrorist had killed colonised or massacred as many people as the americans. Well talk aboutbtheir ears later. First. Let me remind you of what they did to the red indians – indeginous people to america. Snd nownthey celebreate that very massacre woth thanksgiving day. You want tonlead the free world. Dont make me laugh. Youve just got the biggest stick in the playground. Thats all – for now. One word. China.

  4. Truth hurts. Eddie the idiots right. We americans are the terrorists. Our country every day is on fire with shootings and cinema school massacres. Pakistan india and all muslim countries lived in oeace till the colonists arrived. First the british. Then us. God forgive us for our tyranny. Worst thing is we for some reason think we’re perfect and the rest of the world is mad. Lol. How ironic

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