Legal loopholes for the powerful

  • Influential hit-and-run Baloch MPA released on bail

The race may not always be to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but in our society one thing is certain, the law generally favours those with money and clout rather than the underdog. Judges sometimes take suo moto notice of particularly heart-rending cases, but even just and exemplary judgments may be rendered meaningless by abuse of the Qisas and Diyat Ordinance. Abdul Majeed Achakzai, legislator in the Balochistan Assembly, related to the PkMAP leader Mahmood Achakzai, whose brother is governor of the province, another sibling a minister, may be a case in point. He rammed his speeding luxury vehicle straight into a traffic sergeant at Quetta in June 2017 and then the lawless lawmaker sped away. The knowing police deliberately registered an FIR against unknown accused, only arresting him days later. In prison, the comforts of home were duly provided to him, and he remained arrogant throughout, showing little remorse or repentance. On Wednesday the ATC Judge granted him bail, fixing the case for January 8. The heirs of his victim, a widow, two sons, three daughters, and parents will be subjected to the usual badgering, sweetened with a huge amount as Diyat, an offer few can refuse — or else!

This case partially resembles the Shahzeb Khan tragedy of December 2012, which was also a case of premeditated murder. The case dragged on in various courts, and the main culprit (sentenced to death by an ATC), Shahrukh Jatoi, with a feudal background, and his two accomplices were also freed on bail last Saturday by the sessions court. The two cases show how the high and mighty or their scions can kill innocent people and manage to get away on account of political influence or money at their disposal. In murder cases a compensation may seal the deal in the accused’s favour, who is ‘forgiven in the name of Allah’. Majeed Achakzai’s case also exposes the leadership of a political party which parades itself as both nationalist and enlightened but uses its influence to get a murderer bailed out.


  1. People will always suffer the high handedness of the influential until they start doing the right thing. The right thing to do for the people to organise. Organise themselves. Organise their Union starting from the localities where they live. Why? All the people friendly philosophers and thinkers have come and gone advising people to do so.
    Are there Muslims to be seen anywhere? No we do not see Muslims anywhere. How? We do not see them to have organised their union i.e. Jameeyah anywhere even though everyone of them has heard Lord commanding them to do so in the words “Wahtusaymoo …. Jameeyah”.
    If people reject the words of wisdom of their friends, if they dare to reject Lord’s command that will benefit them if they obeyed, why will they not suffer all the calamities they bring upon themselves as a consequence of their inaction.

  2. Chameleons are lizards which change colours when necessary. We have many but right now it is about Dr Peerzada of Dunya news. I have rest to your imagination.

  3. It is pointless grumbling and venting heated emotions and raising hue and cry? Such cruelties and tragedies are of your own making, you willfully and deliberate bring it upon yourselves by electing these scoundrels and crooks election after election, when are you going to learn, why are you so addicted to self harm?

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