Lahore police proposes new administrative structure: report


LAHORE: The capital city police have submitted to the Punjab government a new administrative structure wherein Lahore is likely to be divided into four districts, according to reports by a private news outlet.

The provincial capital city police proposed two deputy inspectors general (DIGs) and four senior superintendents of police (SSPs) to man the four proposed districts.

The development has come at a time when the next general elections are approaching and extensive homework is required to materialise the scheme of dividing the second largest city of the country into four districts.

A DIG will head two districts and he will be assisted by two district SSPs (district SSP1 and district SSP2) who might be given the status of SSP Town or SSP East/West etc at a later stage. However, nothing is final yet in respect of their designation.

According to the report, under the new proposal, Lahore police will have to establish new police lines and more high-profile slots, additional staff, transport besides other resources and finances