Pakistan Today

Upending diplomacy

Flouting all warnings President Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital raising the question if the Middle East peace process will survive Trump’s unfortunate decision. Temple Mount in old Jerusalem called Al Quds is the third holiest place of Islam because of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock. The latter is the place from where the Holy Prophet ascended to the heaven, the journey referred to as Mairaj. Before idols were removed from Kaaba, all Muslims turned to Al Quds to offer prayers.

While Trump’s decision is being resented all over the Muslim world, it has immediately unleashed a wave of unrest in the West Bank and Gaza. Even the moderate Palestinians have been forced to conclude that diplomatic efforts have got them nowhere near a state of their own and see little alternative to direct action.

President Erdoğan has underlined some of the scary consequences the US move. The announcement, he said, amounted to “plunging the region and the world into a fire with no end in sight”. He called for convening the Islamic Summit. PM Abbasi supported the proposal. Abbasi also said the US decision represents a serious violation of international law and UN Security Council resolutions while it signals a blow to the Middle East peace process.

Fearing strong reaction from the Arab street, the Gulf Kings and Sheikhs who have developed close ties with Trump reluctantly issued statements opposing the move.

European countries which have faced terrorist attacks are naturally disturbed over the possibility of a backlash among their Muslim population. It remains to be seen if these countries are willing to take any firm action like enforcing bans on imports from West Bank settlements and on deals with Israeli businesses operating in the occupied territory.

Frustration over lack of meaningful reaction from the Muslim countries and futility of organisations like the Arab League and OIC will strengthen extremism in the Muslim world. Trump’s move will further destabilise an already volatile region. Meanwhile the US, in the person of President Trump, has abdicated its role as the mediator between Israel and the Arabs.

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