Pakistan Today

Govt failed on all fronts: Siraj

Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has said that the incumbent government has failed on all fronts and become a threat even to the geographical existence of the country.

Addressing a seminar on “The Role of the Women in Pakistan Building” at Quetta on Monday, Sirajul Haq said the government was trying to hide behind a container but this would further complicate the situation. JI Baochistan Chief Maulana Abdul Haq Hashmi and JI Women Wing Chief Dr Durdana Siddiqui also addressed the moot.

The JI chief noted that the government had not brought forth the culprits behind the conspiracy to abolish the Khatme Nubuwwat oath even after the passage of 28 days and was thus responsible for the problems being faced by the residents of Islamabad and Rawalpindi and the public at large.

He urged PML-N Senator Raja Zafarul Haq not to hide the culprits behind the conspiracy. He said, ‘If Federal Law Minister Zahid Hamid was involved in it, he should be sacked and punished. He said this was the demand of the entire nation and not a few hundred people staging sit-in in the federal capital.

Sirajul Haq said the so-called democracy was a joke with the masses. The people coming into power through vote of the masses deemed it their right to swallow the public money while the masses were deprived of the basics of life. He said this game was being played for the last seventy years.

He announced revolting against the system in which the feudal lords, chaudhries, and vaderas exploited the common man. He said the JI was striving for the Islamic system of life based on justice and equality and added that a system based on the teachings of the holy Quran and the Sunnah alone could help the country to steer the country out of its problems.

The JI chief said the rulers were trying to impose the western culture on the people and were undermining national harmony by fanning regional, ethnic and racial biases.

He said the world colonialism wanted to destroy the Muslim family system and thrust the western culture as would undermine the sanctity of the relationship of a mother, sister and daughter. However, he said the Islam-loving people would protect their way of life and the family system.

Sirajul Haq said that the women folk in the Muslim history had offered huge sacrifices for the glory and supremacy of Islam from the very early Islamic era. Muslim women had rendered valuable services in the Holy Prophet’s migration to Madina and later during the battle of Badr, Uhad and Hunain. He said that the womenfolk had played a leading role in the establishment of Pakistan.

He said the JI had the highest women membership in the country as compared to the other political parties and it was the custodian of the women rights. He said the JI wanted to build an Islamic welfare state and this was not possible without active cooperation of the women.


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