This sad incident of a young woman passing away will leave you heartbroken and livid


The Islamabad sit-in by religious parties has entered its tenth day. 

Last week, an eight-month-old child died on his way to the hospital after being stuck in traffic because of the blockade by religious parties.

On Wednesday, a similar incident took place when a young woman, involved in a road accident passed away because she could not avail emergency medical treatments.

According to the deceased young woman’s cousin who wrote a heartfelt Facebook post narrating the incident, the road accident might have been the reason but the callous behavior of the people who stopped on the pretext of helping her injured cousin was even more heartbreaking. 

Raina Iqbal writes: 

“She was travelling from Islamabad to our hometown Gujrat with her friend when their van collided with a truck. There was no ambulance on the scene because of the protest/blockade/dharna at Faizabad. People passing by stopped and started cutting the seats open to free her from under the rubble. Still no ambulance. Her purse and cellphone were immediately stolen. Her friend gained consciousness and called her brother to pick them up and take them to the hospital. The nearest hospital refused to take her because it was an accident case even though at this point she was internally bleeding with broken legs, arms and spine. It took AN HOUR to get to the other hospital because of the dharna. By that time doctors said she has 5-10% chances of living. This was two days ago. She was pronounced clinically dead this morning”, Raina wrote in her Facebook status update.

Raina also narrated how a vibrant young mind perished just because our country and its administration was too irresponsible for any concrete actions, 

“I do not know if an ambulance on time or proper medical health care would’ve meant that Anum would still be with us today, but it kills me to think that her chances may have looked better had she been taken care of in a way that any citizen is owed care by their government. Anum was a loving wife, a devoted teacher at a local university and a talented young woman who was coming back home after accepting a job offer in Islamabad. I hope you’re in a better place, Anum. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.”



According to reports, all major roads in Islamabad including Seventh Avenue on Kashmir Highway, Islamabad Expressway, Murree Road and IJP Principal Road have been completely closed for traffic. Due to diversions, the alternative roads are also clogged.