Pakistan Railways plans to close vigilance cell


LAHORE: Pakistan Railways (PR) management is planning to close the vigilance cell which was established to eradicate the corruption from the department, Pakistan Today has learnt.

Khawaja Saad Rafique ordered to restore the vigilance cell soon after he took over the charge of minister railways in June 2013. The vigilance cell had been made nonfunctional during the tenure of former PR minister Ghulam Ahmad Billor.

At the time of restoration of vigilance cell, it was claimed by the railway’s officials that this cell will work as an eye of the government over the corruption and misappropriation in the department. The cell was established with officials of different departments of railways appointed to the cell.

Sources privy to the department informed that Pakistan Railways has once again started working to make the department nonfunctional. They said that in this regard, PR had written letters to the principal officers and head of the departments, in which they were asked whether they wanted to reinstate services of the officers working in vigilance cell, which shows the railways department’s course of action in making the vigilance cell nonfunctional is well on its way.

“The department on the directions of Secretary Railways Board Aftab Akbar has written letters to additional general manager railways traffic, infrastructure and others for giving back the services of their subordinates,” sources added

“Since the vigilance cell was established, the railway department remained reluctant to fill the seats which can be proven by more than 60 per cent seats still lying vacant,” the sources added

It was also learnt that the total number seats to be filled were 257 but the department could only appoint staff at 98 seats.

An official seeking anonymity told this scribe that since the cell was established the high officials of the department had highlighted the issue of staff shortage.

“Instead of filling the vacant positions, it has been planned to make the cell nonfunctional,” he said and further added that even though the cell was lacking staff, the officials appointed to the cell were working efficiently.

The official added, “The staff of this cell figured out dozens of officials involved in corruption and they were punished by the department”.

He further informed that many vigilant cell officials faced problems while performing their duties and that they had been threatened by officers of other sections.

PR spokesperson, Quratulain while talking to Pakistan Today said that no move of closing or marginalizing the vigilant cell was under consideration.

However, she said that if some letters were written to the heads of the departments, it might be to replace the staff of vigilant cell.