Pakistan Today

Prioritizing Pakistan’s Interests

As US promotes India as a regional satrap

It is good to hear from Kh Asif that the civil and military leadership are united over giving priority to Pakistan’s interests in dealings with foreign countries. While Pakistan is keen to work with the US to put an end to terrorism in Afghanistan and the region, it will not compromise on its sovereignty. If the Foreign Minister is to be believed; the country’s foreign policy is being shaped jointly by all institutions now instead of only one as in the past.
Pakistan will not therefore yield on CPEC. It will not do anything that brings Afghanistan’s war inside Pakistan. It will not agree to India being given any role in Afghanistan that helps New Delhi fulfill its desire of using Afghan territory against Pakistan. The US and Pakistan are supposedly discussing a proposal that seeks to evolve an “institutionalised framework” of cooperation to deal with the challenge posed by militant outfits on either side of the Pak-Afghan border. Pakistan will not however allow foreign boots on its territory. According to Kh Asif there is a consensus between Parliament and the military establishment on these points of foreign policy.
Pakistan prefers peace in Afghanistan through a credible political process owned and led by the Afghan government. It envisages a greater role in peacemaking efforts by Afghanistan’s next door neighbours that include China and Iran. Taking the political process to  the desired end requires patience. The problem with the US is the hubris of its leadership. Tillerson says the US will eradicate terrorism, with or without Pakistan. What can further complicate things is Washington’s strategic partnership with India. Any move by the US aimed at imposing Indian hegemony in the region will backfire.
The US needs to work for reducing regional rivalries rather than providing a fillip to the existing tensions. It should encourage India to enter into talks with Pakistan to resolve  outstanding  issues including Kashmir instead of promoting New Delhi’s hegemonic tendencies. Unless there is peace and goodwill between the countries of the region, terrorists will continue to flourish by making use of their rivalries.
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