Pakistan Today

Senators condemn drone attacks, new US policy in the region


In the Senate session on Tuesday, lawmakers from the upper house of the Parliament condemned the new US policy on South Asia and expressed concerns over the increasing drone attacks.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s visit to Islamabad also came under discussion and the Senators criticised the new stance of the US, terming it a threat to regional peace and security.

Speaking during the session, Senator Taj Haider said that US President Donald Trump wanted to divide people by erecting walls. He claimed that the US economy was rooted in conflict, but Islamabad would not become part of any proxy war in the region.

Senator Farhatullah Babar turned his guns on the government, criticising Foreign Minister (FM) Khawaja Asif for not being able to control the reins of Pakistan’s foreign policy. He also asked why drone strikes had resumed in the tenure of the incumbent government.

Taking part in the foreign policy debate in the Senate, Farhatullah Babar said that he was shocked that FM Asif only reiterated the narrative of General Pervez Musharaf.  He lambasted Asif for a recent statement in which he had said that Pakistan would take action against those identified by the US, adding that it seemed to be the same narrative floated by the military dictator and former president Pervaiz Musharraf.

He said that many had welcomed recent statements by the FM and Ahsan Iqbal to put “our own house” in order, and asked why there was not a hint about it in his address. “Is it that Khawaja Asif is not fully in charge of policy formulation?” he asked.

He said that because of this disastrous foreign policy Pakistan was losing heavily.  He added that after Trump’s new policy, drone strikes have been resumed as militants were hiding and changing locations.

He also found fault with other statements made by the foreign minister. Recalling that Asif had told US officials that their generals had failed so they should find a political solution to Afghanistan, Babar urged the minister to “adopt the same approach.”

During the session, Senator Sehar Kamran commented that the US had its own priorities and that Islamabad should not look to Washington for support. “We welcome the US if it wants to eliminate terrorism without the support of Pakistan,” she said. “The US should look upon its failures,” she added.

The senator further said that it seemed that the US was supporting India to use New Delhi against Beijing, as it had developed concerns over the rapid progress of China. She was of the view that Islamabad should not pay heed to threats made by the US, and should instead fortify the country and devise a strong foreign policy.

Senator Azam Swati said that Islamabad should not become part of any proxy war, as the US seemed intent on harming peace in the region. “The US wants access to our nuclear assets,” he added.

Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani directed the foreign minister to brief the Senate on Wednesday on lawmakers’ concerns to conclude the discussion.

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