Progress reviewed of USAID projects in Sindh


KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah stated that projects worth $241 million such as Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) and Municipal Services Delivery Program (MSDP) that are being funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are moving quickly towards completion.

Talking to United States of America (USA) Embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission, John Hoover and USA Consul General in Karachi, Grace Shelton, the chief minister reaffirmed his government’s commitment towards improving the health and education sector of the province.

The meeting reviewed the progress of the schemes launched with the grant of USAID

The chief minister shed light on the Programme Management and Implementation Unit (PMIU) that has been established in school education department to monitor the workings of SBEP.

SBEP, a project worth $165 million and implemented in seven districts of Northern Sindh and five towns of Karachi aims at improving education quality.

Murad stated that the major target of the programme is to increase knowledge and professional skills of 25,000 primary school teachers and enabling non- formal schools to transit in the formal education sector smoothly.


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