People prone to suicide need help not punishment, Senate debates


–Senate chairman says bill cannot be passed without Council of Islamic Ideology’s consent 

“Those who attempt to commit suicide must be sent to rehabilitation centre so they can receive treatment, instead of being of incarcerated,” said Senator Dr Karim Khawaja on Monday, demanding an end to punishment for attempted suicide as he tabled the Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill 2017 in Senate.

However, Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani deferred the bill, saying that it could not be passed without the approval of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII).

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator Rehman Malik endorsed the said bill, observing that people attempt suicide due to depression and need treatment [instead of penalisation].

Another senator, Taj Haider, also put his oar in, claiming that people attempt to commit suicide because the state has failed them. “We need to change the environment which makes our young generation think that suicide is their only option,” he said.

On the other hand, Law Minister Zahid Hamid declared matter “sensitive”, saying that since suicide is forbidden in Islam the bill must be sent to the relevant committee, CII, for deliberations before the house passes it.

The otherwise reformist Senate chairman echoed Hamid’s words, saying that the bill cannot be passed without the consent of the CII.

According to Pakistan Penal Code Section 325, whoever attempts to commit suicide, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.