Tragedy of errors:


India responds to its master’s call


Mohandas Kramchand Gandhi was fast asleep when the entire nation was celebrating the independence from the British Raj, as he believed that there was nothing to celebrate. Subsequently, the historians narrate that the reason thereof was the fact that he never wanted United India to be subjected to partition, however, in addition to above, the true anxiety leading depression and despair was the realisation of the theatre his party was subjected to in shape of “Mountbatten’s Plan”, at the hands of Winston Churchill coupled with Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Pakistan was conceived on the table of Winston Churchill, whilst Mountbatten was still liberating Burma. In fact Lord Mountbatten’s appointment as the last viceroy was nonetheless a political venture painted by Winston Churchill, who wanted to craft a sense of over confidence within the Congress leadership on score of Nehru’s and Mountbatten’s strong affiliation. Perhaps upon Mountbatten’s’ arrival, Congress thought they had won half the battle already; though they were taken by surprise when the viceroy reverted to the United Kingdom for consultation at 10 Downing Street, and returned with Barrister Radcliff and the partition award.

How could Nehru and Gandhi, self-proclaimed political maestro(s), not see this coming? Some Indian political historians refer to this saga as the “tragedy of errors”, and till date the Indian leadership is unable to wriggle out of this enigma and defeat. Hence they do not let go of any opportunity to create unrest and havoc within Pakistan and the invitation by its’ new master the United States of America qua it’s Redefined Afghan Policy has given a new life to India’s resolve.

India’s leadership has been assigned with a newfangled task of obstructing and sabotaging the completion of CPEC, which is neither in the interest of India nor USA. Analysts often debate the direct effects of CPEC on the USA, and the reply is twofold: Primarily, the power shift, on touchstone of losing grip and hold over a so called ally (Pakistan), who in the past, willingly or otherwise has always observed the US waivered path. Since, decades the notion of Allah, Army and America has prevailed within the power circle of Pakistan, and lately the phenomena of the substitution of the later with China has not really been embraced by the USA; and secondly, the completion of CPEC shall lead to unconstrained trade networks between Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and the rest of the world.

India on the other hand, on the call of its master, has escalated its imprudent efforts of derailing CPEC. Whereof, in order to achieve the same, this time under the imperial License of USA has augmented and fast tracked its involvement towards creation of unrest in Balochistan.

India has commenced open support towards the “Free Baluchistan Movement”. Harbiyar, at Gottingen, Germany, headed a protest on the eve of the Chinese National Day on the 30 September 2017. The protest voiced false propaganda about Chinese colonialism and alleged human rights violations in Balochistan. Furthermore, the Baluchistan Student Organisation (Azad) also organised an Indian sponsored demonstration outside the British PM’s residence in London on 1 October 2017 against the CPEC.

Indian government has also established an association in the name and style of Hindu Baluch forum having Piwan Sinha as its president and Swami Jitendranad Saraswati as its general secretary. The said organisation held an event under at Hotel Howard Plaza, Agra, under the slogan of “How Indians can play role in the freedom Struggle of Baluchistan”, wherein ex army personals including Ex Directors of Raw and Maj Gen (R) GO Baluchi also participated.

It is beyond doubt that India is coming all out to safe guard its master’s interest in the region, whereof the gestures are reciprocated vide statements as passed by the US Defence Secretary James Mattis whilst testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the “One Belt, One Road” wherein he claimed that Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan which constitutes a part of the CPEC project is part of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir state.

It is unfortunate that the Indian leadership once again is pursuing this battle in the wrong arena; the tragedy of errors once again is repeating itself. The mere attempts of creating of a state of confusion in Baluchistan, apart from being an exercise in futile is also a very short sighted virtue on part of the Indian leadership. One Belt One Road (OBOR) project impleads therein over a hundred countries and organisations as of now, and instead of being a part and parcel of the “new world order” viz becoming a member of OBOR, and deriving nectar therefrom the unwise, impulsive and thoughtless attempts of sabotaging the project shall only lead to further variances leading to isolation of India from its neighbours and its prospective target trade markets.