PPP senator urges interior minister to take notice of Turkish educationist, family’s ‘enforced disappearance’


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Senator Farhatullah Babar has urged Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal to take notice of the “enforced disappearance” of a Turkish educationist and his family from Lahore on Sept 27.

The alleged abduction of former vice principal of the Pak-Turk schools Mesut Kacmaz, his wife and two daughters points to the “pathetic helplessness of state institutions” in addressing the issue of missing persons, Senator Babar said in a call-attention notice submitted in the Senate.

“The style and manner of kidnapping bear the signatures of all too familiar kidnappings brazenly taking place in the country with alarming impunity,” he said, adding that this was the first time that a foreign national and his family had become victims of “enforced disappearances”.

The senator said that the state cracked down on Pak-Turk schools, which Kacmaz was linked to, in the wake of the failed coup in Turkey and the Turkish staff of the schools was ordered to leave the country.

Babar stressed on the urgency to draw the interior minister’s attention in order to challenge the possible narrative that the state might itself be involved in the kidnapping.
Former teachers of Pak-Turk schools have expressed serious concern over the recent kidnapping of their colleague from Lahore, demanding that the Turkish family be recovered immediately.

Kacmaz, former vice president of the Pak-Turk Schools, was reportedly abducted along with his wife and two daughters from their residence in Lahore’s Wapda Town.