Spanish Civil Guards close 140 pro-Catalan referendum websites


The Spanish Civil Guard on Tuesday closed down over 140 websites supporting the independence referendum planned for this coming Sunday in the Catalan region of north-eastern Spain.

The orders to close down the websites supporting the vote, which has been declared illegal by the Spanish Constitutional Court, was given by the Catalan High Court and among those to be closed is the website of the Catalan National Assembly.

On Sept. 23, the Catalan High Court ordered any website supporting the referendum to be blocked.

Meanwhile, Catalan Regional Police (Mossos d’Esquadra) visited schools in the Catalan region on Tuesday which they believe will be used as polling stations on Sunday with the aim of identifying and questioning the people for responsible for the centers.

The action was taken in response to instructions by the Catalan prosecutor’s office on Monday. The Mossos were also instructed to seize ballot boxes or papers which could be used in Sunday’s vote.