World Bank lauds land record digitisation in Punjab


LAHORE: In its report issued on Twitter, the World Bank has commended the Land Record Computerization Project of the Punjab government and termed it as a worthy initiative for other countries to follow.

The World Bank has released a special report about Land Record Computerization Project of the Punjab government in which it has been stated that the land record of more than 5.5 crore land owners in villages has been computerised in a short span of five years in Punjab.

This matter is worth following and a commendable example for rest of the countries of the world, the report said. So far, land record of 30 per cent owners has been digitalised across the globe but the computerisation of all records of the rural lands in Punjab is remarkable.

Director for Land and Water Division of Food Agriculture Organization Eduargo Mansur has said that land record computerisation is a durable process for sustained development. He termed the Punjab Land Record Computerization Project as an important milestone towards achieving the targets of sustainable development goals 2030. According to the Twitter report, before the launch of land record computerisation, one had to wait for many weeks to get the ownership deed. But due to the land record computerisation, now the ownership deed can be obtained in just 50 minutes.

Source: NNI