The UNGA show


All in all a fine outing



Since the years of the war against terrorism have also seen UN defanged all but completely, the general assembly has been reduced to one of those usual outings where world leaders say more or less the same things they do just about everywhere, all the time. Unless, of course, there’s a US-N Korea like situation and the American president can spew venom on the “rocket man” of the time. Or an upstart war-time ally has just been cut to size and is expected to bare some teeth for everybody to see.

Despite the awkwardness with the United States and an untried PM, UNGA went well enough for Pakistan. Islamabad put its foot down on the ‘do more’ matter and made clear it won’t be anybody’s scapegoat for failed policies, and will no longer fight others’ wars on its homeland. Talks with other leaders, especially the US vice president, went well enough. And the reported short meeting with President Trump was pleasant too. So, all in all, a fine outing.

That does not mean, of course, that our foreign and security policies have suddenly started working or, for that matter, that much of the world’s opinion of us has changed. Let’s not forget what prompted the ‘policy reset’ and ‘clean our own house’ initiative that made Kh Asif seek new, binding alliances closer to home than the US. Having postured correctly after a trying situation, Pakistan must now walk the talk or new alliances will not prove lasting either. The biggest regional concern is still Afghanistan and Pakistan, in some ways, still holds the key. If we can help wrap up this disaster to the region’s satisfaction, we’d have played the central role and setting the whole region up for growth and commerce. With CEPC constantly expanding, there’s enough for everybody to partake in provided, needless to say, there are no more bombs and bullets flying in Afghanistan. UNGA optics must be followed by concrete steps.