PM to approve NACTA recommendations to revamp criminal justice system


As per NAP implementations status, there is visible decline in sectarian terrorism

ISLAMABAD: The recommendations developed by the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) to revamp the criminal justice system have been submitted to Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi for necessary consent, prior to carrying out constitutional amendments and legislation, it was learnt reliably.

Copies of documents available with Pakistan Today, disclose that NACTA, in a bid to revamp the criminal justice system of the country, has conducted nine meetings of provincial representatives since May 2016, and one week workshop of the Federal Core Group in April 2017, and developed recommendations for revamping of criminal justice system (CJS), its implementation plan, along with responsibilities, timelines and cost elements, sector-wise (police, prosecution, prison, parole & probation and judiciary) through consensus and in coordination with provinces, ICT, GB and AJK. These recommendations, approved by the interior minister, have now been submitted to the prime minister, said the documents.

Revamping the criminal justice system is the main feature of National Action Plan, which was adopted in December 2014, by the government to crack down on terrorism and to supplement the ongoing anti-terrorist offensive in Pakistan in the aftermath of the Army Public School tragedy.

According to NAP implementation status, as on August 31, 2017, 483 militants have been hanged since the death penalty was unbanned, while 2127 terrorist were killed and 5884 arrested. So far, 11 special trial courts (STC) have been notified and 388 cases have been transferred to STC. Similarly, 98.3 million SIMs blocked, biometric verification system made in place, Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act 2015 passed, 937 URLs and 10 websites of proscribed organisations have been blocked by the Ministry of Information Technology, besides a ban on the glorification of terrorism in media. Moreover, for strengthening and activation of NACTA, renovation of two buildings for housing NACTA is in progress.

Likewise, to counter hate speech and extremist material, 1353 cases have been registered as 2528 persons got arrested and 70 shops sealed. Again, 17795 cases have been registered over the issue of misuse of loudspeakers, while 18520 persons got arrested and 7942 equipment confiscated.

It is also learnt that State Bank of Pakistan has frozen Rs 150 million from 5023 bank accounts. 777 cases of FERA/Hawala Hundi have been registered, while 1060 arrests made and Rs 1320.705 million recovered to choke financing for terrorists and terrorist organisations.

Likewise, 336 cases of anti-money laundering registered and 483 arrests done besides out of 176 suspicious transactions reports, 32 were converted into cases, 14 closed and 130 reports are under the process of examination.

Furthermore, Counter Financing for Terrorists (CFT) Units have been established in all provincial CTDs while counter financing for terrorists to be made an integral part of provincial investigations and National Task Force (NTF) on Countering Financing for Terrorist (CFT) with representatives from all stakeholders, set up in June 2017 for effective coordination on policy and operations. Further, 15 amendments have been made in (AMLA 2010) in 2015.

Though a Counter-Terrorism Force (CTF) has been established, however, its strength as sanctioned is still not completed. At present, only 9036 out of 12706 are performing duties in the field including ICT, Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, GB and AJ&K.

It is important to note here that still, no concrete step has been taken against religious persecution as of yet, the collection is in progress which would be verified and then put up for further action.

Moreover, the recommendation of FATA (federally administered tribal areas) reforms committee has been approved by the federal cabinet.

Resolving the issue of Afghan refugees, the cabinet has approved the repatriation and management policy. However, draft national refugee law has been developed and shared with relevant stakeholders and a tripartite agreement for voluntary repatriation has been extended for one year. Also, a plan for documentation of unregistered Afghan refugees is under consultation between ministry and NARDA. POR cards valid up to 31-12-2017, visa forms developed.

As per NAP implementations status on August 31, 2017, there is a visible decline in sectarian terrorism. As per data, so far 676 incidents of sectarian terrorism took place in different parts of the country since 2011 while only two incidents in 2017, 37 in 2016, 79 in 2015, 176 in 2014, 127 in 2013, 185 in 2012 and 70 incidents in the year 2011 took place.

The Karachi operation has registered a significant decline in terrorism, crime and improvement in law and order and is taking the operation to its logical conclusion i.e. target killing is down by 97 per cent, murder down by 87pc, terrorism down by 98pc, robberies down by 52pc and 33,378 weapons have been recovered. Furthermore, the surrender and reconciliation/rehabilitation of farraris/outlaws is in progress.

Last but not the least, data about the registration of Madrassas reveal that KP government has cancelled the registration of two Madrassas situated in Bunir and Charsada on account of their involvement in anti-state activities, while GB has also cancelled the registration of two due to non-functioning and non-existence of boarding facility and Sindh provincial government has also cancelled the registration of six Madrassas due to non-existence, duplication, and constructed without prior permission.

It is worth mentioning that war on terror has cost Pakistan Rs 118.4 billion since 2001 besides the precious cost of more than 70,000 innocent lives, property, freedom, growth and development as a society, culture, and a state due to the rise of extremism, intolerance, and violence in the society.

NAP includes its twenty-point agenda and is considered as a major coordinated state retaliation. Its basic features combine foreign and domestic policy initiatives aimed to crack down on and eventually eliminate proscribed organisations across the country.

The plan was provided as the framework for the twenty-first amendment to the constitution which established speedy trial military courts for offences relating to terrorism.

Besides this, the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) coordinates between provinces, Gilgit Baltistan, AJ&K, the federal government and LEAs for concerted efforts and befitting response to terrorist activities and compiles present comprehensive reports, the status of NAP implementation to federal government/parliament.