Pakistan Today

Chinese villagers build giant QR code using trees

China’s obsession with QR codes reached new limits when tech-savvy people of a village in northern China decided to build a giant QR code using trees in a field to attract tourists.


In a field outside Xinlinshui village, located near the city of Baoding in Hebei province, some 130,000 Chinese junipers measuring between 80cm and 2.5m in height have been planted in such a way that it gives an impression of a huge QR code when viewed from the top.


Also, the QR code is not just for show but is scannable. When scanned, the mega-size barcode links to an official local tourism WeChat account that allows visitors to retrieve comprehensive travel information.


The use of QR codes is widespread in China where more than half of the population uses these scannable barcodes to make monetary transactions. Not only can you shop using these barcodes, but you can rent cars or bikes and even give money to beggars using these codes!

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