Pakistan Today

The CIA, RAW, and Sub-Nationalists walked into a bar…

Or well, into a meeting in Geneva



It is deplorable to learn that Mehran Marri

attended the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council,

and delivered a speech (reportedly prepared by RAW)

alleging CPEC as exploitation projects

and Baloch cultural genocide by Pakistan and China.




The 35th regular session of the Human Rights Council (HRC35) was held from Tuesday 6th June to Friday 23rd June 2017 at Geneva. Prima facie it was major milestone for the HRC35 since on 6th June, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, H.E. Mr Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, presented an oral update on the global human rights situation. Mr Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, brought attention to the 50th anniversary of the occupation of Palestinian lands and called for an end to the occupation. The bulk of his statement was dedicated to the issue of Member States’ access to, and selective cooperation with, the UN human rights mechanisms. He reiterated his Office’s commitment to ensuring the full implementation of recommendations from all UN human rights mechanisms and addressed the central issue of State cooperation with Special Procedures mandate-holders.

A number of dignitaries delivered statements during the session, including inter alia, H.E. Mr Tabaré Vazquez, President of Uruguay. One of the most anticipated moments of this Council session was the address of H.E. Ms Nikki Haley, U.S. Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations. During her speech to the Council, she offered some praise for the body. She acknowledged that ‘when the Council has acted with clarity and integrity, it has advanced the cause of human rights,’ and also acknowledged that ‘at its best – when it is calling out human rights violators and abuses, and provoking positive action – [the Council] changes lives, it pushes back against the tide of cynicism that is building in our world.’

Five panel discussions were held during the session, which included discussions on realising the right to health by enhancing capacity-building in public health; on unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents and human rights; accelerating efforts to eliminate violence against women: engaging men and boys in preventing and responding to violence against women and girls; women rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: health and gender equality; annual thematic discussion on technical cooperation in the promotion and protection of human rights, focusing on a decade of technical cooperation and capacity building in the Human Rights Council: challenges and the way forward.

Other landmark achievements include more than 79 reports under the Council’s various agenda items were considered; more than 165 side events were held by States and/or NGOs; four new Special Procedures mandate-holders were appointed to the following mandates: Special Rapporteur on minority issues; Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity, and Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism; HRC35 saw the creation of a new Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members; 37 texts were considered by the Council: 35 resolutions, one decision, and one Presidential Statement. This is a record number of texts for a June session of the Council. Of these, 29 were adopted by consensus (78.4%) and eight by recorded vote (21.6%). 11 written and/or oral amendments (sometimes known as ‘hostile amendments’) were put forward by States during the consideration of texts. One of these amendments was accepted by the core sponsors before voting, and the rest were rejected by the Council. 25 of the texts adopted by the Council (72.9%) had Programme Budget Implications (PBI) and 18 required new appropriations not included in previous Programme Budgets. The total costs of the newly mandated activities amounted to a total of $7.019.700.

In the garb of this highly publicised human rights moot, RAW and CIA furtively arranged a meeting of Baloch Sub-Nationalists (BSNs), SSNs (Sindhi Sub Nationalists) and the Uyghur Sub Nationalists (USNs) on the termination of 35th Session of Human Rights Counsel in Geneva from 12-14 Jun 2017. Their heinous agenda comprised plotting and planning against the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Pakistan and China’s interests in the region.

It may be noted that both the US and India are opposed to China’s development projects One Belt One Road (OBOR) and its flagship CPEC. While the US is abetting India to take the lead in sabotaging CPEC through inciting Baloch Sub Nationals and inciting them to insurgency, US is busy machinating plots to derail the OBOR. The arrest of senior RAW operative Indian Navy’s serving Commander Kulbhoshan Jadhav shed light on the terror infrastructure laid out in Balochistan and Karachi to execute the odious agenda of India, simultaneously, information about the US spy agency CIA has come to light where China’s enemies are being recruited, trained, armed and launched to sabotage the OBOR.

It is deplorable to learn that Mehran Marri attended the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council, and delivered a speech (reportedly prepared by RAW) alleging CPEC as exploitation projects and Baloch cultural genocide by Pakistan and China. Representatives of World Sindh Congress (WSC) attended the said forum as well. Simultaneously, Uyghur human rights activists, Rebiya Kadeer and Dolikun Aeysa were also present in the said conference. It is an established fact that Rebiya Kadeer, who is an ethnic Uyghur, businesswoman, and political activist is a multi-millionaire, who has taken asylum in the USA and is busy inciting Uyghurs to rebellion and insurgency. Kadeer assumed leadership positions in overseas Uyghur organisations such as the World Uyghur Congress. Her website is full of venom for the Chinese government. Rebiya Kadeer, who speaks Uyghur and Mandarin Chinese, conveniently remains oblivious of the fact that the Chinese government has launched the OBOR to benefit China’s Xinjiang province the most and has reserved positions for ethnic Uyghurs so that their status in life can be enhanced and they may benefit the most from the mega project.

It has been reliably learnt that at the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council, promotion of sub-nationalists groups (in Balochistan, KPK, Sindh, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan) took place fervently. Simultaneously, the establishment of the miscreant group “Ansar-ul-Shariah” (reportedly Al-Qaeda based) in Karachi was announced for projecting Pakistan’s purported human rights violations at international forums through foreign base sub-nationals. This deplorable task is reflective of multi-prong, well-orchestrated strategies of Hostile Intelligence Agencies. Pakistan’s Interior Minister feigns ignorance of the existence of the “Ansar-ul-Shariah” but it is tantamount to the case of the pigeon closing its eyes in the presence of the cat or the ostrich hiding his face in the sand when peril approaches. Pakistan needs to get its act together to thwart the evil plots of the foreign hostile secret agencies who want to derail both Pakistan and China.



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