ECP issues code of conduct for NA-4 Peshawar-IV bye-election




Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has issued a code of conduct for political parties and candidates for bye-election in the constituency NA-4 Peshawar-IV.

According to ECP, the contents of this code of conduct will be considered as directives of ECP and violation of any its clauses thereof will be proceeded against under Article 204 of the Constitution read with Section 103A of the Representation of the People Act, 1976.

Under the code of conduct, the executive authorities in the federation and in the province will not use state resources in said constituency for unfair advantage of a particular candidate or political party.

If any person in the service of Pakistan misuses his official position in any manner calculated to influence the result of the election, he may be tried by a court of sessions as contemplated under section 95 of the Representation of the People’s Act, 1976 and if found guilty of the offence, may be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine which may extend to two thousand or with both under section 92 of the Act.

After issuance of election programme, no officer or official who is engaged or will be engaged for election duty, would be granted leave by the federal, provincial or local government without prior approval of the election commission. No transfers or postings of the civil servants will be made after the issuance of schedule of by-election till the completion.

Individual transfers or postings of civil servants will only be made, after the issuance of schedule of by-election, in exceptional circumstances, in exigency of service and in public interest, with prior approval of the election commission.

Public office holders will neither visit the area of any constituency nor will openly or in secret give any subscription or donation or make promise for giving such donation or announce any development project.

The prime minister, chief minister, federal ministers, state ministers, advisors to the president and the prime minister, provincial ministers and advisors to the chief minister or any person on their behalf will not visit the constituency or polling station after the issuance of schedule of by-election till the completion of poll.



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