Rohingya’s hell-black night


Ethnic cleansing draws worldwide ire

A lamentable legacy of the British Raj, the stateless Muslim minority of Myanmar’s Rakhine state bordering Bangladesh are presently facing another brutal military offensive, which has left over 100 dead and forced more than 58,000 to flee to a neighbour extremely averse to act as the proverbial ‘genial host’. After decades of recurring genocidal episodes, the insecure Rohingya are now justifiably termed as the ‘world’s most persecuted minority’. Today, belonging to the hated and despised 1.1 million Rohingya community in a country with a predominantly Buddhist population means sudden military crackdowns, murder, torture, beatings, abuse, displacement and being starved, not only of foodstuffs, but also of basic medical facilities, and a scorched earth policy of burning entire villages. On Monday the Myanmar government also cold-bloodedly banned the UN and other aid agencies from supplying water, food and medicines to thousands of needy civilians.

The UN estimates 420,000 Rohingya refugees in South East Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Malaysia and Thailand, while 120,000 live roofless in displacement camps which lack elementary amenities. Many Rohingya, especially women and children, have drowned attempting a hazardous escape through the Bay of Bengal in flimsy boats that capsized. All UN agencies and global humanitarian institutions are unanimous agreed in condemning the Myanmar army for horrible massacres committed on its helpless minorityand denying them access to the victims. Buddha’senlightened message and teaching of nirvana, ridding oneself of hatred, desires and ignorance, have been unceremoniously dumped.

But the world is taking increasing notice of the extermination. The UN secretary General, international humanitarian agencies,Turkey,  Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iran, Chechnya, and Malala Yousafzai have pressurised de facto Myanmar leader, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (!) Aung San Suu Kyi to end her inexcusable silence and stand up for Rohingya human rights. Solely blaming and using the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army as a convenient cloak for Myanmar army barbarism will only make matters worse, via opportunistic ISIS. What is needed is a fresh UN Commission of Inquiry, ending military crackdowns and scraping restrictions on Rohingya internal movement and citizenship, as recommended in Kofi Annan’s August 2017 report.


  1. Turkey and Pakistan talking about human rights is like Pot calling the Kettle black. Pakistan is bombing and ethnically cleansing/ genocide its own citizens in Balochistan, FATA and uses Barbaric laws like “collective responsibility” on innocent civilians while Turkey is even more known for its ethnic cleansing/genocide of Armenians.

  2. What if Indians did same to highly radicalized Kashmiri Muslim in 4 districts of Southern Kashmir? Only doing so will bring permanent peace. These Muslim call themselves Pakistanis anyway. Rohiyga Muslim and Kashmiri Muslim are both incited by neighboring countries and islamic idealogy pasties Rohinga Muslim were told that Buddhist are weeker than hindus and conquering them will be just a cakewalk. Muslim all over world start something with extreme violence but when KAFIRS retaliate then they start saying excessive force, human rights violations…INDIA WILL GO MYNAMAR WAY IF KASHMIR NUISANCE KEEPS GOING. JUST REMEMBER ALL MUSLIM IN INDIA ARE NON PUNJABIS.

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