PPP senator calls for probe into ‘nuclear proliferation’ during Musharraf regime


Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Senator Farhatullah Babar called for a probe into nuclear proliferation during the regime of former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf.

Babar’s demand came following the interview of the retired general, in which he claimed a former CIA agent George Tenet showed him the photographic evidence of Abdul Qadeer’s involvement in the act.

The senator said the claim strengthens international notion that Pakistan was an unsafe country to have this technology, especially the transference of technology to North Korea.

Baber called for a probe, saying that it was impossible for a single person to smuggle the technology out of the country single-handedly. The senator said Musharraf’s statements had “opened up a Pandora’s box”.

Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani questioned the timing of Musharraf’s statements, asking why such claims had been made days after US President Donald Trump made serious allegations against Pakistan.

Earlier, Musharraf claimed in his interview that Qadeer Khan was involved in nuclear proliferation through a Sri Lankan front man who acted as a double agent, a national daily quoted him as saying.

He claimed that after he confronted him returning from the US, the scientist broke down asked for forgiveness.

The general claimed that Dr Khan was later put under house arrest and despite pressure, he never handed him over to any foreign country.