Is there anything pure left to eat?


People from all walks of life consume a lot of bakery items daily without realising what these contain. Eggs form an essential part of most baked items and even at the breakfast tables in almost every household, but do we know at all whether the eggs fit for human consumption?

In all fairness, Punjab Food Authority is doing lot of good service by ensuring provision of healthy, hygienic and fit for human consumption food items by raiding manufacturers’ and suppliers’ outlets and ensuring eatable items are being manufactured in good, neat, clean and healthy atmosphere there.

If one sincerely follows what the PFA officials are checking, finding out and telling us almost daily then one can hardly find even single pure food or baked item to eat. Even well-known brands of juices, soft drinks and mineral water are not all that pure that one should consume these in a very casual and careless manner. There is adulteration and adulteration in every food item like there is corruption in every brick around us.

Only the other day, according to the reports in the newspapers, the PFA officials team raided a egg powder manufacturing factory in Lahore and found as many as seven lakhs eggs and 8000 kilograms of powder prepared from rotten eggs which was to be supplied to the confectionaries in the provincial metropolis. If this is the state of affairs in the provincial capital regarding adulteration in the food and bakery items then anyone can image as to what pure food items people in other cities and towns of the province will be purchasing and eating daily. Quite obviously, huge quantity of rotten eggs and powder made from these unfit for human consumption eggs were destroyed, factory sealed and a case registered.

This surely is yet another big achievement of the authority which is ruthlessly conducting raids all around to ensure the people do not purchase and eat adulterated food items, rotten fruit, milk and the locations in which food items are manufactured are as per hygienic conditions.

While the authority is continuing its quite good and commendable work, the people at large in the interest of their as well as their children health should keep themselves updated in this regard to know as to what food items they are consuming are pure and fit for human consumption at all or not.

