Authorities issue advisory ahead of Eid


RAWALPINDI: The authorities have warned the general public to be aware of the unskilled butchers who ruin the skins of the sacrificial animals besides meat while carrying out the process.

In an advisory note issued by the Punjab Department of Livestock and Dairy Development here on Monday, people are advised to buy healthy animals for carrying out the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) as the department had offered free of cost services for verification of the health of the animals.

In addition to the fixed points, the department has also arranged mobile dispensaries for extension of free medical and fumigation aid to the needy.

The department has made elaborate arrangements by establishing special help centres to check the health of the animals, besides diagnosing whether the animal was pregnant or otherwise which according to the rituals is mandatory to have the knowledge of before carrying out sacrifice.

The provincial authorities had also made arrangements at all the entry points of the province to ensure anti-tick fumigation, of sacrificial animals being brought for sale to the parts of the province, to avoid the spread of any fatal disease.

Meanwhile, the transporters shifting sacrificial animals should get their vehicles fumigated immediately after unloading as the service is being provided free of cost at all the authorised sale points across Punjab.

The department has set up a province-wide toll-free, round-the-clock helpline ‘08000-9211’, to help and provide information to the citizens regarding the fumigation and checking the health of the animals.