‘Global terrorist list’: US decision to enlist Hizb disappoints Pakistan

  • Zakaria says Jadhav came to establish RAW presence along Makran Coast
  • Nepal investigating Col Habib’s disappearance through high-level investigators

Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria on Thursday said that Indian saboteur Kulbhushan Jadhav has confessed that he had come to Pakistan to meet a leader of the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a banned outfit, in Balochistan.

“Commander Jadhav’s confessions also confirmed Indian connection to BLA and other inferior elements for carrying out subversive and terrorist activities in Balochistan. He (Jadhav) has confessed that his purpose for coming to Pakistan was to meet the leader of BLA, (besides) establish(ing) 30 to 40 RAW operatives along the Makran Coast for operations along with terrorists,” he said during weekly media briefing.

Asked whether India was also involved in recent terrorist attacks in Balochistan, Nafees Zakria said he was not in a position to confirm or deny Indian involvement in the Quetta attack at this point. “However, Indian involvement in perpetrating terrorism in Balochistan is a fact beyond an iota of doubt. Indian leadership has made public announcements confirming Indian state sponsorship of terrorism and terror financing in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. India has openly opposed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC),” he added.

Asked to comment on Indian Prime Minister Modi’s statement that ‘neither bullet nor abuse but embracing Kashmiris of IoK is the solution’, the spokesman said that Modi’s statement validates Pakistan’s stance that armed subjugation and oppression cannot wish away the indigenous struggle of the Kashmiris.

“The Indian atrocities and gross violation of basic human rights of innocent Kashmiris is an increasingly gruesome reality which speaks for itself. Pakistan has consistently maintained that the only solution to the Jammu & Kashmir dispute is through a transparent, free and fair plebiscite for the realization of the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people in line with the UNSC resolutions,” he said.

The spokesman said verbal rhetoric needs to be accompanied with actions to be meaningful. “Unfortunately we do not see that in India where Indian atrocities and genocide of Kashmiris by Indian occupation forces continues unabated even as we speak. A UN Fact-finding Mission should probe into gross human rights abuses occurring in IoK as was demanded not only by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights but also the OIC,” he added.

About Indian media’s assertion that Pakistan’s largest flag hoisted at Wagha Border was aimed at spying on India, the spokesman said he couldn’t comment on Indian state of mind. “We are proud that Pakistan has hoisted the largest flag in South Asia. I won’t be able to comment on India’s state of mind, perception or delusion. You yourself referred to one such example. What is required of our neighbour is for them to realize that the world has come of age, where neighbours have to cooperate for the greater benefit of the region,” he said.

He said the major bone of contention remains Jammu & Kashmir dispute, which has to be settled peacefully through dialogue and in accordance with relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. “There has to be a sense of realization in India as to what the way forward is, and why the relations are not moving in the right direction,” he added.

Asked to comment over the US decision to enlist Hizbul Mujahideen to global terrorist list, Nafees Zakria said the US decision had disappointed Pakistan in view of the fact that Kashmir was an internationally recognised dispute with UNSC resolutions pending implementation.

The spokesman said Pakistan would continue to extend political, diplomatic and moral support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for the realization of the right to self-determination and the peaceful resolution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.

“Neither Indian presence in the IoK nor its brutal actions against defenceless Kashmiris are lawful. The 70-year old indigenous struggle of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir remains legitimate. The designation of individuals or groups supporting the Kashmiri right to self-determination as terrorists is completely unjustified,” he said.

About a question on the reports that Col (retd) Habib Zahir’s wife has written letters to the representatives of Human Rights Council on disappearances in Geneva and sought help from them in locating her husband, Nafees Zakaria said Col Zahir went missing from Lumbini, 5 km from the India-Nepal border and Nepalese government has established an investigative team to probe the matter.

“There is a likelihood that he has been taken to India. He was received by an Indian national. Indian nationals were also involved in booking his hotel and ticket. The job website he applied was also found to be operated from India,” he said.

The spokesman said in view of the above, on 2 May 2017, Pakistan requested the Government of India to probe into the matter and make all efforts to trace him at the earliest. However, he added, we have not had a positive response from them. The Government continues to make all out efforts to locate him and shall not cease till he is home.

He said Col Zahir Habib’s family has the right to knock every door for assistance. Pakistan will do everything in its capacity to locate and bring back Col Zahir Habib safely as soon as possible.