Better sense prevails


I’ve heard reports from the senior health officials that large number of young doctors have returned to their duties in the government hospitals and resumed attending to the patients in emergency and the wards. Young doctors had gone on strike about a week back supposed in support of their demands and stopped attending to the patients even in emergency without realising their moral and professional obligation and responsibility of serving the ailing humanity considering it as their foremost duty.

The striking young doctors had suspended talks with the health officials for looking into their demands for resolving their problems and then also started resorting to illegal and unlawful activities all this was obviously quite deplorable and condemnable.

As the young doctors took the extreme step of striking the work and resorting to unlawful activities, the provincial government was obviously left with no choice but to react sternly in a reciprocal manner by showing the door to pretty good number of the striking doctors who were not willing to resume their duties despite repeated warnings by the authorities.

It is quite good to note that better sense has started prevailing and more and more young doctors are resuming their duty and attending to the patients accordingly.

Provincial Health Ministers and senior authorities concerned who have been showing great patience and restraint during all these day of strike by the young doctors should find out ways and means to revive process of dialogue with the young doctors and look into their demands as usually quite sympathetically. The young doctors, who have since resumed their duty, should also respond positively to all steps being taken by the provincial government for resolving their genuine problems and demands with open minds and hearts.

Young doctors should let better sense prevailing upon them and they are hopefully quite educated and sensible enough not to fall into wrong hands again. They have already enough in the hands of mischievous elements forgetting their essential obligation of serving the ailing humanity and now they should do their duty more dedicatedly , sincerely to repent their recent misdoings.

