Senior Republican states ‘Trump is obsessed with his own self-image’


No matter how busy Trump is, he always finds out time to tweet, watch cable news and to give his feedback on different political matters.Whether it be a formal event, rally, interviews, press conference, or White House ceremony Trump assures that he should be provided with a package of screenshots that the television networks are broadcasting so that he knows how the media is covering the news about him. The screenshots enable him to see an overview of the headlines and captions of the pictures taken.

Trump receives another folder comprising of daily headlines and news coverage which also used to be the ritual for the previous presidents and lawmakers.It highlights how Trumps is media conscious and obsessed with his image.This Tuesday, it was reported by the agencies that Trump received these newspaper packets twice that had admiring tweets and praises for him.

The White House officials claim that the report was biased and they receive a collection of television news package but furthermore stressed that it was not limited to all positive feedback. However, the practice of reviewing television news screen shots is as unique to this president as is his habit of tweeting about what he sees on media.

“It is safe to say that President Obama was never given and never requested a packet of clips about headlines of any kind,” said Jen Psaki, a former Obama White House communications director who is now a CNN contributor.

Michael Steele, a former chairman of the powerful Republican National Committee, told Mr Trump was still struggling with the graduation from businessman and reality-TV star to the American President.

Mr Steele said presidents do not have as much power as much as they think.

“You have 535 members of Congress who have a different view. You have cabinet secretaries who, while they might work for you, still carry out different agendas,” he said.”You’ve got the voters, the press and all those other interests out there who have a say about what you just said, and that’s not something Donald deals with too well.”

Mr Steele’s assessment comes as Mr Trump faces criticism for taking a 17-day trip to his New Jersey golf club resort, and as a widely circulated magazine and ridicules the President’s work ethic.

“When he said he wanted something done at Trump Tower, it got done,” Mr Steele asserted.

“No-one said, ‘No sir, I really don’t think we should do that’, because if you did you didn’t come into work the next day, as there was no job.

“That is not the way Washington works and that is certainly not the way the presidency works.

Mr Steele further elaborates Mr Trump was focused on how he looked to others.

“This is who he is. This is a guy obsessed with his own self-image; how his numbers are doing, whether everything is playing to a narrative he has developed in his own head,” he said.

Mr Steele has been taking part in the annual Australian American Leadership Dialogue, an initiative to discuss the state of the relationship and work on ways of resolving tensions between the both countries.It is fair to say that phone call between Malcolm Turnbull and Mr Trump was widely discussed over the two-day session last week.

He concludes that whatsoever Mr Trump will be here as long as he wants as he quotes,”At the end of the day he is going to control a whole lot more than people hope, he’s not going anywhere.”