Pakistan Today

Time for the verdict

For whom the bell tolls



Suppose, much to PML-N’s glee, the Supreme Court throws out the JIT’s findings. There will be much sweets and celebration, of course, but there will still be the matter of the money trail, which – as the honourable judges reminded the Sharifs’ counsel on the last day of proceedings – has been asked for and not presented since day one. And, since they’ve already had their day in the Supreme Court and not satisfied it, what new can they really pull out of the hat?

Facing the bench is not like holding a press conference. Ducking questions about the Dubai work permit with talk of conspiracy, threats to democracy, for example, does not work with judges. They require straight answers to straight questions, especially when very large sums of money are involved. And, despite a good couple of opportunities, the ruling family just could not answer for all its wealth and assets. But, either way, the time for arguing the case is over. All that remains is the verdict and the response. And going by the grapevine, PML-N’s already mulling digging in with a replacement PM till the general election, and win the Senate on the way in March.

Yet such a step is not without its own peculiar blowback. Should the pendulum really swing to Kh Asif, as some channels are reporting, expect the tone of Ch Nisar’s press conference to reflect it later today. Then there’s the political fallout, especially if the Court does not rubbish the JIT in its entirety. This, should push really come to shove for them, will be a different worst-case-scenario than before. No boots are unconstitutionally kicking them out of Islamabad this time. It’s their own shady business practices that landed them in hot waters. Expecting the electorate to buy their argument, in this day of media awareness, hardly reflects good political judgment. The uncertainty won’t last long, though. Soon the Court will tell just for whom the bell tolls.

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