Pakistan Today

German man on bike stops in Pakistan as part of “A Trip Around the World”

World Tourist Michal “Lollo” is a world tourist who plans on going around the world in the next “two or three” years of his life. He plans on continuing his journey on his bike, a Yamaha TGM600 that he bought used from his homeland.

Lollo started his journey some two months ago, moving from Germany to Italy and subsequently Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran and eventually reached Pakistan wherein he entered through Balochistan.

He now expects to go up North to the metropolitan cities of Lahore and Islamabad. Lollo is most excited about reaching the Karakoram Range given his “love of mountains”.

Lollo says that he “felt quite safe” in Pakistan in stark contrast to the typical fear amongst Westerners of countries like Iran and Pakistan.

“In the news abroad they’re not always telling the truth (about Pakistan) I wanted to go and find out about it myself”, Lollo said when asked of the stigma against travelling to Pakistan as a Westerner, in a video that was recorded by budding Youtuber “Mazhar Ali” on his Youtube Channel “The Guru Talks”

On his 600CC bike Lollo carries a GPS, an extra pair of shoes a small kitchenette and camping equipment amongst spare parts for his bike.

When asked for the motivation behind his sprawling, elaborate journey Lollo simply replied that he wants to “see the world and enjoy himself”.

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