Pakistan Today

Grand Jirga supports fencing of Pak-Afghan border

In this photograph taken on February 9, 2017, a Pakistani border security soldier stands alert at the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan at the Torkham Border Post in Pakistan's Khyber Agency. / AFP PHOTO / ABDUL MAJEED



In response to recently held traditional tribal Jirga in Kabul, administrations of different tribal agencies are engaged in arranging similar gatherings whereas the participants besides endorsing ongoing fencing of Pak-Afghan border, also showed sever concern over what they call increasing influence of Indian government in neighbouring Afghanistan.

“Indian government has established 65 consulates throughout Afghanistan, which are being used for carrying out terrorist acts inside Afghanistan,” declared by well-attended Jirga held at Jamrud Khyber Agency on Sunday. It further stated, “Afghanistan is our neighbouring country and we prefer cordial and brotherly relations with it but unfortunately, Afghanistan’s soil is being used against Pakistan, which could not be tolerated.”

The Jirga held with former MNA Pir Noorul Haq Qadri and attended by representatives from all seven agencies and six frontier regions of Federally Administrative Tribal Areas (FATA). Tribal elders Malik Waris Khan Afridi, Malik Khan Marjan Wazir, Malik Nadar Khan Mohmand, Malik Bahadar Shah from Bajaur, Malik Darya Khan and several others also attended the Jirga. The Jirga was organized by the political administration of Khyber Agency.

Ironic to mention 12 MNAs and eight senators were not invited to the Jirga. Likewise, absence of leaders and office holders of different political parties from tribal agencies was also noted. Majority of participants, especially speakers are known for their opposition to government’s FATA Reforms package, especially FATA merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Almost of tribal elders have delivered identical speeches before the participants whereas they made sentimental remarks and words over what they call growing friendship between Kabul and New Delhi. This growing friendship between the two immediate neighbouring countries was termed harmful to the very interests for Pakistan.

In particular, the hand-picked elders have focused maximum of their views not only Afghanistan-India relations but also on tribal Jirga’s in Kabul, which had opposed fencing of Pak Afghan border and unilateral FATA reforms package including its merger in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Through a declaration, the Jirga maintained, “We, the tribesmen wishes cordial, friendly and brotherly relations with Afghanistan but Afghanistan must ensure that its soil is not utilized against interests of Pakistan.” In this respect, the Jirga offered its services for mediating and reconciliation between Pakistan and Afghanistan and demanded of the ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange a trip of Tribal Elders to Kabul for holding talks with Afghan leadership.”

The Jirga through its declaration, while endorsing the Durand Line as a permanent border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, also announced its whole hearted support to fencing and border management. “Purposes of fencing and border management is ensuring an end to militant’s movement in the region, which is in interests of both the countries,” it added. The Jirga has urged Afghan government and people as well to recognize the Durand Line as permanent between the two countries and re-visit its policies towards India, which is detrimental to bilateral relations between the two countries and harmful to regional peace.

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