Wild dogs, duking it out


story proves neither the US nor North Korea have the cleanest of hands


…Michael Malice, author of “Dear Reader: The Unauthorised Autobiography of Kim Jong II,” forgot the vanishing of bodies in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 and he forgot the killings in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and at many other places…



“From siccing wild dogs to gunning down his enemies with artillery meant for taking out planes, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has built a reputation for dispatching with extreme prejudice all those who cross him.” (At least, according to a New York Times report)

What about George W Bush (Senior and Junior), what about Obama, Lyndon B Johnson and as a matter of fact Harry Truman? Does that mean they have clean hands?

NYT, while referring to the North Korean leader, forgot the tactics and dirty war games Washington is playing all around the world, and has been playing since 1940. From Vietnam, to South China Sea, to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen and now Qatar. Anywhere, everywhere in the world, Washington impedes and obliterates and destruction becomes the symbol of that area.

What happened at Beirut – how it became a land of debris – is widely known. The West and America played their dirty war games in the region, being afraid of the ranked high turnover of tourism. To give a helping hand to Israel, a whole country was taken at stake – or have we all forgotten Syria? Before that their attack on Iraq in the cover of “mass destruction equipment.”

Did they find any weaponry of “Mass Destruction”?

Of course not. No. It was just a cover to destroy the country, to get rid of Saddam Hussain, who was at that time no longer required for any further function. They used him (Saddam Hussain) against Iran, at the same time as when they had been discreetly supplying armaments to Iran through Israel. Double faced monsters enjoying double benefit out of the war and out of human lives for their own lust of power, to control the world.

When, after the long war between the two came to an end with huge financial and human losses, Washington secretly empowered Saddam to cover his loss by capturing oil rich Kuwait. When Saddam captured Kuwait, they offered their services to Kuwait, for pushing Saddam back – which came at a great cost for Kuwait.

Once again, a clear case of “Double benefit”.


What about George W Bush (Senior and Junior), what about Obama, Lyndon B Johnson and as a matter of fact Harry Truman? Does that mean they have clean hands?

Then, the time came to get-rid of Saddam, so using their old technique they entered in Iraq and turned the fully developed country into a pile of debris. If nothing else, another threat for Israel got removed. Now, it was the turn of Egypt, to get rid of Hosni Mubarak. That ended up getting done peacefully without annihilation because of the Suez Canal.

Next was Syria, a constant threat to Israel. To cover that, again, differences between the two main factions of Islam were created discreetly, which resulted in the present situation of Syria where hundreds of thousands have died or have lost their shelters or are facing famine.

Washington’s terrifying methods of execution have unmistakably been known to the whole world, the deceitful planning need not to mention of their motives to devastate any potential rivals. A confirmed favourite tactic is blowing people away while testing their latest manufactured weaponry.

USA is invariably in continuous and non-stop research to produce more and more lethal weaponry which is not for the safety of America, it’s for devastation of the world. There are several type of guns, tanks, anti-air-craft machines, Air fighters, missiles and all sort of weaponry atomic or traditional, are in permanent and uninterrupted research of US armaments research laboratories. Washington has the largest arsenal in and around the world. And at this point, if they claim it’s for their safety, then that’s the height of hypocrisy.

Michael Malice, author of “Dear Reader: The Unauthorised Autobiography of Kim Jong II,” said Kim’s real favoured means of murder is simply presiding over what Malice calls “the worst country on earth.”

Mr Malice also forgot the vanishing of bodies in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, he forgot the killings in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and at many other places where Washington and Pentagon discreetly penetrate through their duly paid pawns and cause destruction to the level that it takes years to rebuild and restructure the system and civilisation in the area. Many generation have suffered and are still suffering, not only physically, also mentally and have gone back into the stone-age, Afghanistan is the main example and the most sufferer. Pentagon solely is responsible for its destruction and reversing back to the Stone-Age.

In late February, the then US President, Obama announced officially a step by step retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan. Those were pretty words, but practically he did nothing, just created false hope for the people of these two countries, who were waiting for peace in their respective areas.

According to a report, more than half a million people have been killed in Syrian unrest created by the Washington, more than half a million are in the camps in Europe and the others are still facing game of death and life in their country. So is the situation in Afghanistan, the government and anti-government elements are still at war, unfortunately both are backed by America, India and Russia. Both, government and anti-government are getting weaponry from the same supplier, Washington and Russia. India is backing them to create disturbance in Pakistan, for that matter he is feeding them with millions of dollars, as well supply of armaments.

Now, next target of Washington is Yemen and Qatar. Why? To control the Hermes bay, to control the seas of Iran, to have an army Base closer to Iran. From Yemen and Qatar, it would be easy for them.

And finally, for the authors write about the Kim Jong-II’s atrocities. Whatever he is doing, it’s in his own country whereas America has disturbed the whole of the world, killing millions of innocent people; Washington action has demolished number of cities, has ruined the generations and generations.

Washington’s reach extends beyond the pariah, as demonstrated by almost all the presidents, especially senior Bush who stepped into the war in middle-east area, which has smashed the peace of the whole of middle-east and God, knows better when it’s going to end or ultimately going to be converted into the world war-III.

If it happens so, America alone would be responsible for this scenario and Washington should remember, this time the war will not be restricted to this area only, it will be extended to American cities also. America will also see the destruction to the extent they will remember for generations.

It will be most frightening for the US citizens, because they have heard the war, but have never experienced it. This time they will also taste the blood, and it will be extremely horrified for them. American public should remember this fact, and get ready for it, if their leadership doesn’t stop the interference around the world, especially Afghanistan, Middle East and South China Sea.