Many PML-N MNAs about to leave party: Zulfiqar Khosa


ISLAMABAD: The PML-N dissident Zulfiqar Khosa said on Wednesday that he was in contact with many of the MNAs from the party who were ready to desert their leadership after the recent JIT report fiasco.

“The situation of PML-N and PPP is the same, with its members, both quitting their parties,” Khosa told media.

“You see now how PPP members are breaking away and joining PTI,” he said. “The same situation exists within the PML-N at the moment,” he added.

Khosa said that these MNAs would never sink with the party’s leadership. He stated that they would leave PML-N leadership and not even hesitate to remember the promises they had made to the Sharifs, in case Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is disqualified.

In response to a question of how many MNAs were in contact with him, Khosa said that there were more than 70.

“Enough to cause them a big jolt,” he said. “82 MNAs refused to come to the budget meeting,” he revealed.

He said that in 1993, PML-N had only 31 members left from Punjab out of 228. Khosa said that the same situation existed now.