Pakistan Today

USA Ditched Pakistan – again

And the cycle repeats itself

History teaches us a lesson that the USA always ditched Pakistan. They have done it again.

To appease Indian Prime Minister Mr Modi, USA has designated Hizbul Mujahideen chief Mr Syed Salah-ud-Din, the freedom fighter for Kashmiri people, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

 Since 9/11 attacks in 2001, Mr. Syed Salah-ud-Din is the only Kashmiri freedom fighter to make to that infamous list.

It is in continuation to the prologue of USA President Mr. Donald Trump where at an “Islamic” summit in Riyadh he earmarked India as a victim of terror and completely ignored Pakistan, its “front line state” a major non-NATO ally, despite ranking fourth in the Global Terrorism Index of most affected states.

Though the move by the American is more Symbolic in nature and the only concrete thing coming out of it would be that Mr Syed Salah-ud-Din will not be able to travel to the USA or maintain any assets there;  Which I doubt he would be interested in. Nelson Mandela, Yasir Arafat, and Gulbadin Hikmatyar had also been termed as terrorist by the USA in the past only to retreat their claims later. So, I think that Mr Syed Salah-ud-Din would be a rather happy man with getting in league with such great freedom fighters. Moreover, Mr. Modi was also banned from traveling to the USA a few years back on his “alleged” involvement in Muslim massacre during Gujrat riots of 2002. In short, USA list of “terrorists” keep on changing with the changing scenarios.

Furthermore, American leverage in the Asia is fast deteriorating especially after the formulation of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) of which both Pakistan and India haverecently been granted full membership. Nonetheless, this gesture of taking Indian line should jolt the Pakistani leadership and National Assembly session should be called to review the relationship with the USA.

The USA policy makers must realize that Pakistan is fully committed to integrating herself into the new geopolitical compulsions and such irrational decisions by the USA are hasting her departure from the USA camp.

USA should also realise that Pakistan has fully functional courts which cannot condemn anyone just because USA or Indiathink that way. The decision of declaring Jamat-ud-Dawa’s chief Hafiz Sayeed and placing a bounty of $10 million on his head has made little difference in Pakistan’s handling of Hafiz Sayeed where he has always been acquitted by the Pakistani courts on the non-existence of any proof against him. The case of Mr. Syed Salah-ud-Din is likely going to see the same fate.

It would have been better for the USA to visit annals of history before reaching such a decision, which is presumed to be merely guided by the financial gain that the USA is assuming to get by pleasing India. Syed Salahuddin or any Kashmiri pursuing the right to self-determination is not a terrorist because this right is promised to him by the UN Security Council of which USA was the major player and even nominated her Admiral Chester W. Nimitz as Plebiscite Administrator.

The Pakistani Federal Interior Minister Mr. Nisar Ali Khan statement that Washington is “speaking India’s language” on Kashmir is well received by the public. Another support came from Pakistan’s “all-weather friend” China, saying that Islamabad was at the frontlines of the fight against terrorism and that” the international community should give full recognition and affirmation to Pakistan’s efforts in this regard.” However, statements coming out of India are becoming more threatening. Indian Chief of Army Staff General Bipin Rawat’s remarks that India is ready for taking on both China and Pakistan is the point in case.

China has also taken strong exception of the war mongering by an officer of such high rank and her military spokesperson had to give out astatement that, “Such rhetoric is extremely irresponsible”. “We hope that the particular person in the Indian Army could learn from historical lessons and stop such clamouring for war.” Pakistan should also take the threat seriously and must remain prepared for any eventuality or misadventure by India.

In last, I would urge the entire stake holders i.e. Government, Opposition including PTI and media to stop bickering on the outcome of JIT as we trust our courts and the decision would be based on facts gathered by them. So let us allow JIT to work without any pressure and stop wasting our energies in speculating JIT outcome and rather focus on our Kashmir policy; Kashmir isat the crossroads and never in its 70 years history of the conflict, Kashmiri youth have shown so much love and affiliation for Pakistan. Kashmiris have picked up Pakistani flags and their martyrs are being buried in Pakistani flags. If our leadership failed to show boldness, imagination and a vision of future, we may miss the opportunity for peace and resolution of this decade-olddispute. We may also push the region tothe brink of nuclear war, death, devastation and human misery. Death anniversary of Mr. Burhan Wani is coming in this month and I would urge the Government to highlight Kashmiris plight in all the international forums and to the media to air special programmes covering Kashmir.

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