Better options than surgical strikes to teach Pakistan a lesson: Indian Army Chief


NEW DELHI: Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has threatened Pakistan and said that India has more effective options than surgical strikes to teach Islamabad a lesson.

In an interview with Hindustan Times, General Bipin said, “Pakistan thinks it is fighting an easy war that’s paying them dividends, but we have options (other than surgical strikes) that are far more impactful and effective.”

Commenting on holding peace talks with Kashmiri leaders, Rawat was categorical that “dialogue can happen only when there is peace”.

Sitting at the army headquarters in Delhi, General Bipin Rawat said, “The army has a job to do. We have to ensure that peace returns. I’ll hold talks with a person who assures me that my convoy will not be hit. The day that happens, I will personally hold a dialogue.”

General Rawat defended Major NL Gogoi’s action of using a civilian as a human shield in occupied Kashmir, saying “I am not on the ground. I don’t know what my boys are going through, but I have to be the motivator.”