Unjust to term freedom fighters ‘terrorists’: foreign ministry


ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said on Tuesday it is unjust to term those partaking in the freedom struggle for Kashmir as terrorists.

A statement by the ministry stated that human rights continue to be violated in India-occupied Kashmir.

“In the last one year, the occupying Indian forces have increased their atrocities against innocent civilians in the valley. Kashmiris cannot be denied their right to self-determination,” read the statement.

“Pakistan shall continue to extend political, diplomatic and moral support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for the realisation of the right to self-determination and the peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions,” the Foreign Ministry said here in a statement.

“The designation of individuals supporting the Kashmiri right to self-determination as terrorists is completely unjustified,” a ministry spokesperson said in a statement without naming Salahuddin.

The statements follow the imposition of sanctions on Kashmiri freedom fighter and chief of the Hizbul Mujahideen Syed Salahuddin by the US government on Monday.

The move means the United States now considers Salahuddin, also known as Mohammad Yusuf Shah, a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist,” the US State Department said in a statement.


  1. UK has already initiated the process of returning the “terror” favor to Muslims hope it catches up in other parts

  2. There is no such thing as freedom fighters in the books of the United Snakes of America!!!
    What difference will it make if they refer to him with whatever name they like. Sanctions will only make him stronger. Sanctions only work when imposed on a country, not an individual!! Stupid Trump

  3. There is no such thing as freedom fighters in the books of the United Snakes of America!!!
    What difference will it make if they refer to him with whatever name they like. Sanctions will only make him stronger. Sanctions only work when imposed on a country, not on an individual!! Stupid Trump

  4. By this logic everyone who was killed by Pakistan in Zarb e azb was a freedom fighter. Nobel prize winners like Malala & that Ahmadia guy have no place in your country but you cry about a terrorist who is the head of already banned organization. Have a bit of shame. You keep saying on international forums that you are a victim of terrorist & made sacrifices? No morons you are the producers of terror and your people are also suffering from your export industry called terrorism.

  5. Balochistan didn’t even sign the accession with Pakistan yet you kill them, dump them from helicopters when those real freedom fighters protest then cry crocodile tears for the part of land called Kashmir whose king formally signed the accession to India. You send money & terrorists to fuel unrest. The world can see through how you rushed a terrorist to Islamabad….now no matter where you go crying leaders of the world will not value you more than a cruel joke.

    The souls of Bangladeshis, Afghans and Kashmiris you killed & raped will come to haunt you as a nightmare. Even Allah felt that you deserve death on Eid so he let 153 people die in tanker blast. Its a signal that God will punish you for your sins. Guess what 5 days before your tanker accident there was one in Delhi…but only 2 injured. But in your country 153 dead and counting.

    • It’s neither a Baluchi nor Paki….. bur clear cut an agent of India. It was in fact MuktBahni and Amricans , Russians and Indian agents who raped Bengalis, Afghanis and Kashmiri innocent peoples but Indian agent can see the needle but not the elephants. real freedom fighters do not kill their own but the enemies but here so called bogus freedom fighters always kill their own but not the enemies.

      • Sure those women who were raped and gave statements in front of cameras don’t know the difference between Pakiscoundrels and Afghans or Russians or Americans. As usual stupid Pakis can’t deal with the truth and keep lying in the name of Allah. What a shame on you and your religion that you equate God with the truth and you insult that god every day with your shameless lies. Do you think Allah will forgive you psychos?

  6. A terrorist state declare a freedom fighter a terrorist clearly unjust. Kashmir is declared as disputed by UN and people has the right to fight against occupation but remember US is occupier and invaders of the Muslim states of Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan and now collaborators with India to suppress the movement of Kashmir.. Moozi and “Kakka Banddar” are like minded people.

  7. A terrorist state calling a terrorist as freedom fighter what a joke LOL. What about BLA this is also freedom movement and fight against po rkistan to get independence from atrocities by almakshi and mitli ajinis isi and poork army.

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