Conserve energy consumption


Despite all the usage of cooling equipment all around, everyone is raising hue and cry and protesting here and there against scheduled and unscheduled electricity load shedding.

The federal government no doubt is tackling energy crisis on top priority basis and power projects are under execution, near completion and being completed with a speed in order to bridge the gap between energy supply and demand. Power generation projects take some years to be completed but still work on more than a dozen power projects based on coal, thermal, hydel sources is going on quite speedily to ensure completion of more and more power plants at the earliest to rid the people of lingering electricity load shedding by bridging the gap between power supply and demand as much as possible.

Just going on demanding rights without any responsibility, going on consuming everything that comes our way than what we produce is certainly not advisable.

If a beginning in conserving and reducing energy consumption by switching off air conditioners at least is made from the top at the level of the president, the prime minister, the governors and chief ministers of the provinces and the federal and provincial ministers, by making public announcement in this regard, then the electricity load shedding will be minimised within no time, please.

