From maligning the JIT to threatening agitation


The family should instead prove its innocence in court


The PML-N government has launched a two pronged attack on the JIT to shield the Sharif family from accountability.

Some of the government departments are reluctant to hand over records to the JIT while some records have reportedly been tampered with. No civil servant would do things of the sort unless under pressure from the government. Frivolous applications are being filed in the SC to cause delays so that the JIT fails to submit its findings to the apex court in the first week of July. The attempts to stonewall the probe would strengthen the view that no honest inquiry can be conducted against the PM unless he is first made to resign.


Well-planned and persistent attempts are being made to call into question the credibility of the JIT. Propaganda campaign was unleashed against two JIT members known for their expertise in probing white collar crime. Questions have been belatedly raised about the relevance of the ISI and MI officials on the JIT. The issue of the leakage of Hussain Nawaz’s video was also meant to discredit the interrogation body. Heads of some the government departments resorted to writing to the apex court after their appearance before the JIT. These letters were later released by them to the media to malign the interrogation team.



The Sharif family was provided an opportunity to clear its name by submitting evidence about the money trail that led the family scions to acquire fabulous wealth. The PML-N leaders are threatening that they could boycott the proceedings or launch a movement against it. This would suggest that they do not have credible evidence to prove the innocence of Sharif family’s scions. The case against the Sharifs was not instituted by a hostile government. Neither was the JIT formed by the PTI or PPP but by the SC itself. The JIT is acting strictly in accordance with rules, regulations and SOPs. Seeking special treatment for those called for investigation and protests against their treatment as ordinary citizens indicates disrespect for rule of law.



  1. “The family should instead prove its innocence in court”

    How does one prove a falsehood?

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