Pakistan Today

Sahir Lodhi commits Seppuku suicide after accidentally dropping rupee coin on “Baba Quaid” side


TV talk show host Sahir Lodhi committed suicide in the traditional Japanese Seppuku style after learning that the one rupee coin that he had accidentally dropped on the ground when paying his bill at the local coffee shop had fallen on the “Baba Quaid” side.


“What have I done? WHAT have I DONE??!!” said a visibly distraught Lodhi moments before he decided to take his life by his own hands by way of penance. “Who has given me THE RIGHT??!”


“I have dishonoured myself and my family. I have dishonoured my ancestors by committing this act of gross negligence,” he said, sobbing inconsolably. “I have desecrated the memory of the man who…the man who…, forget it! I am not even worthy of taking his very name now!”


Bawling his eyes out, he said that there was only one way that this grave act of irreverence to the great man. “I know what needs to be done now. There is only one thing that will, if not right this grave wrong, at least help mitigate the sheer dishonour that I, a fool, have put upon my family.”


When he figured out what Lodhi was about to do, Saad Cheema, a bystander, immediately took out his phone and called the Rescue 1122 office. “I didn’t call for the rescue service,” Cheema told The Dependent. “My friend Hassan works there and I just wanted to tell him what this c****a is doing now! Hahah! I have even recorded it with my phone. It will go viral!”



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