‘Govt fails to take effective measures against child abuse’


HYDERABAD: The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression will be observed on June 4, 2017, by individuals and organisations all over the world.

The day aims at to create awareness of the impact of abuse against children and to take part in responsive campaigns on protecting children’s rights.

In order to support such innocent children who are victims of aggression, the UN decided to memorialise June 4th every year as the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression in 1983.

Talking to APP here on Wednesday, Society of Protection of Rights of Child (SPARC) National Manager  Kashif Bajeer said that the day reminds that throughout the world, there are many children suffering from various forms of abuse, and acknowledges the pain suffered by children throughout the world whether it is in times of war or peace.

He emphasised that besides conscious people of the society, it is also imperative to have the cooperation of members of children families to eradicate victimisation of innocent children but due to lack of cooperation, many government schemes are not proving successful.

The day celebrates efforts of millions of individuals and organisations working to protect and preserve the rights of children.