Former PM Raja Pervaiz Ashraf terms JIT as relief package for PM


LAHORE: Former premier Raja Pervez Ashraf has stated that Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif has been provided ‘relief’ in the form of constitution of the JIT over Panamagate scandal.

He stated this while talking to media after attending his case proceeding in a NAB court. The former PM is facing a case of illegally recruiting more than 400 employees in Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO).

He added that PPP has always respected courts and this is why he is attending the NAB court proceedings. He further added that  he was summoned over the charges of recruiting guards, peons and linemen but those facing serious allegations are still in power.

On Saturday National Accountability Bureau [NAB] judge directed the bureau to submit reply in an application filed by former prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf claiming that he be discharged from the reference as no incriminatory material is available against him.

The former PM appeared before the court but the NAB could not submit reply over the said application upon which the NAB official sought more time.