85 pc area will face no load shedding during Ramzan, says Abid Sher Ali


ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali said on Friday that there will be no load-shedding in Ramazan for at least 85 percent of the country  especially during iftar and sehri. 

Abid Sher Ali was addressing a power generation conference in Islamabad.

Moreover he said, “More load-shedding will occur in places from where electricity is being stolen,” he said, adding that those who pay their bills on time will face no load-shedding.

He stressed that National Electric Power Regulatory Authority should work on improving its performance.

The minister also said, “We are ashamed of people who promote electricity theft.”

“We are currently trying to solve the electricity crises in Karachi,” he remarked.

He also said that electricity production is expected to reach 22,000 megawatts in the current year.


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