100000 MT target fixed for mango exports


by Ghulam Abbas

  • Mango export commences from May 20


Mango export from Pakistan is due to commence from May 20, 2017. All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA) has set an export target of 100,000 metric tonne for this year.

Last year mango export target was set at 100000 tonne; however, by the conclusion of the season the export of mango stood at 128000 metric tonne fetching valuable foreign exchange of US$ 68 million, stated Patron-in-Chief of PFVA, Waheed Ahmed.

During current mango season, the crop of mango sustained huge losses due to unexpected climatic changes and thus keeping this factor in view, an export target of 100000 metric tonne has been fixed as a precautionary measure, according to Waheed Ahmed.

Due to the prolonged winter season and strong winds in Punjab, the collective production of mango is anticipated to decline; and from total estimated production of 1,800,000 metric tonnes about 6,00,000 metric tonne could be damaged due to climatic changes.

Punjab shares 67pc of the total production of mango in Pakistan and due to severe climatic conditions, 50pc of the mango crop has been badly affected. However, the extent of damage can only be ascertained by June when crop would be available in the market.

Waheed shared that Pakistani mango is exported to 50 countries in the world; however, during the current season, special attention is being focused on China, USA and South Korea. China can emerge as a big market where with the assistance of the government, special events would be organised in context with advertising and marketing of Pakistani mango.

The export of Pakistani mango to European countries would further be enhanced, Waheed expressed confidence.

Last year export value of mango was between USD 680 -700 per metric tonne; however, during the current season this value would be USD 650 per metric tonne, he added. This year the export season of mango and holy month of Ramazan commence simultaneously and hence export of mango to Muslim countries and Muslim population in the Western countries would provide bright scope of substantial enhancement in export volume; however, prolonged strike of transporters and abnormal congestion at the sea ports’ terminals the export is under high-pressure at the commencement of export, Waheed expressed concern.

The Punjab and Sindh governments must reserve funds in the forthcoming budget to encounter menace of the hail storm by use of technology so that likely financial losses,  running in billion of rupees can be averted Waheed said.

Ahmed further emphasized that the government must take serious notice of discriminatory policy of freight cost by the foreign carries to Pakistan and the carriers must be bound to charge appropriate freight rate Foreign carriers are charging freight cost of $1.26 per kg from Bombay to London where as $ 1.70 per Kg is being charged for the sector KHI – London which is a serious issue making it difficult for Pakistani mango to compete in International market due to relatively high-cost factor.