Testing Zardari’s wheeling and dealing skills


Can bluster transform ground situation?


PPP was acclaimed for its liberal credentials, its penchant for the common man, its support for the rights of women and minorities and its struggle against military rulers. While leading the ruling coalition during 2008-13 the party got the 18th amendment passed thus restoring the constitution’s federal and parliamentary character. It also introduced the NFC Award which increased the share of the provinces in the federal divisible pool. Where the party fared badly was ending the load-shedding, reducing poverty, creating new jobs and putting an end to forced disappearances in Balochistan.  During its five year tenure the party leadership accumulated a reputation for corruption. All these factors demoralised party workers. The only province which still remained under the PPP influence was rural Sindh.


During the last four years the leadership did little to put life into the party, particularly in Punjab. Soon after the 2013 elections both Zardari and Bilawal vowed to give priority to the revival of the PPP’s Punjab chapter, set up their headquarters in Lahore and devote most of their time to the province. The promises remained unfulfilled. The Punjab party was bifurcated into South and Central Punjab. The Central Punjab party was dissolved and is yet to be fully restored. On Monday Bilawal Bhutto was to announce the Lahore district leadership.


Last month an overconfident Zardari had directed both Central and South Punjab leadership to woo disgruntled PML-N and Pakistan Tahreek-i-Insaf leaders. In a reverse process PPP figures in Punjab and KP continue to desert the party in search of new pastures. Recently Zardari made a somewhat ludicrous claim that after the coming elections the PPP would rule both Punjab and at the centre. A few days later he tamped it down by maintaining that no government could be formed a without PPP’s participation. What one sees happening is that while the PML-N and PTI continue to draw thousands to their unending rallies, the PPP is out of the race in Punjab after a couple of half-hearted attempts. What is happening is a gradual flame out of the PPP from national politics.