Fast food and diabetes: Tips and options for eating out


To manage diabetes effectively, people need to follow a healthful diet. Fast food has a bad reputation for being unhealthy and highly processed.

Like junk food, fast food should be avoided most of the time. However, with a bit of know-how, people with diabetes can eat fast food in moderation without putting their health and wellness at risk.

It is important for people with diabetes to approach fast food options with some caution, and when possible, be prepared for what might be on offer.

Before going to a favourite fast food restaurant, people with diabetes should consider some of these tips:

  • Do not go when overly hungry. Starting any meal on an empty stomach can cause even those with the best intentions to overeat and make less healthy choices. When possible, people with diabetes should plan to eat a fast food meal after having a healthful snack, such as an apple, to avoid overeating.
  • Know before going. Due to popular demand, many fast food restaurants have calorie counts on their menus and nutrition information on their websites. In other cases, independent websites might offer reviews and food facts. No matter the source, it is a good idea for people to look at the menu options and have a meal planned out ahead of the trip, whenever possible, to limit impulse orders.
  • Drink water, not soda. People with diabetes should avoid soda due to the high sugar content and the risk of causing a spike in blood sugar levels. Swapping soda for water can help avoid unnecessary calories and blood sugar spikes, and help reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Eat slowly. It takes the brain at least 15 minutes to register that the stomach is satisfied. Eating slowly helps the brain catch up with what the stomach is feeling. This technique can help a person avoid too large a meal.
  • Limit the number of visits. Most health and wellness professionals recommend limiting the number of times anyone, including people with diabetes, eats fast food. It is best to keep visits rare, no more than once to twice a month, for best health.
  • Keep it small. When the counter clerk asks about upping the order size, it is generally a good idea to say “no.” There will still be plenty of calories in the smaller meal, but the smaller portion is at least less than what the super-size or large size has to offer.
  • Beware of the value meal options. A fast food venue is not going to push a person to buy a single burger because it is far more cost-effective to bundle and sell a more expensive option. It is better to eat the sandwich with a side salad and bottle of water instead of pre-packaged burger, fries, and fountain drink meal.
  • Watch the salads. Salads can be worse than the value meal, so people should use caution when ordering. People should avoid salads that contain deep-fried taco shells, fried chicken, fatty dressings, cheese, and croutons that can add calories and affect blood sugar levels. Instead, people should look for salads with light dressings, grilled chicken, limited or no cheese, and no croutons.
  • Fried is bad. It is best to avoid deep-fried foods, such as chicken strips, fries, and taco shells.
  • Swap the sides. When available, people should choose side salads, fruits, vegetables, or other sides that are more healthful than fries.