Working Group on Promotion of Peace and Tolerance at the University Campuses formed by Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC) has prepared a consolidated report on the basis of the recommendations made in the two-day conference on Promotion of Peace and Tolerance at University Campuses; attended by vice chancellors (VCs), directors student affairs (DSA), intellectuals and representatives of 27 public sector universities of Punjab. The conference was inaugurated by Chairperson PHEC Professor Dr Mohammad Nizamuddin, whereas, Syed Raza Ali Gilani Provincial Minister for Higher Education Punjab, graced the concluding ceremony as the Chief Guest. Governor of the Punjab (Chancellor of the Universities) also interacted with the participants at the Governor House Lahore. The participants were divided into four working groups in order for them to formulate recommendations, suggestions and tangible actions for peaceful, tolerant and safe university campuses. The participants, after reflecting upon the importance of the role of media and civil society in eliminating extremism in universities, also emphasised on the efforts required, from the PHEC , the university administration, faculty, staff and the students in promoting peace and tolerance at university campuses. They further recommended active involvement of students in various extra-curricular activities, avoidance of excluding students from involvement in university matters on the basis of ideology, race, language or gender; inculcating, in students, respect for different opinions; addressing structural problems such as curriculum needs to be enriched by incorporating content related to peace and tolerance.
The 34-point report further mentions that it is important to bridge the gap between policy makers and stake holders, such as, students, faculty members and administration, for creating a peaceful and tolerant environment at the universities . Steps need to be taken for creating an alternate narrative, added the report, instead of overemphasizing on counter narrative.
The report further states that there should be a ban on the formation and operations of sectarian, racial or any other divisive groups on campuses. The university administration should adopt the policy of merit without any prejudice and biasness; maintain accountability to provide justice with compassion for provision of conducive and peaceful teaching and learning environment. Support of the government should be sought, the report said, if needed, to implement the decisions taken by the university administration in regards to maintaining a peaceful environment in the university. Universities should strive to develop a culture that promotes dialogue, pluralism and mutual respect among the students.
The report emphasizes on the promotion of the book reading culture through organizing literary activities and book festivals along with an effective implementation of National Action Plan at all levels of the university. The report also demands from the universities to carry out in-depth studies on the incidents of violence on campuses as case studies to investigate and learn causes and triggers. The recent incident at Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan can be one example.
Commenting on the report, Chairperson Punjab HEC Professor Dr Muhammad Nizamuddin said that intolerance, violence and extremism are very serious issues which require immediate attention and structural solutions. He emphasized over the need for the strengthening and reviving of student societies to engage students in positive campus based activities. He said that Punjab HEC would take the stakeholders on board for effective implementation of the recommendations. He appreciated the efforts of PHEC working group and higher education community for bringing up viable solutions for tackling this important problem.
Professor Dr Rauf-i-Azam Convener PHEC Working and Vice Chancellor University of Education said that the recommendations have been submitted to Punjab HEC formally for further deliberations and follow up. He termed the repot a great milestone towards preparing a roadmap for promoting values of peace and tolerance at university campuses.